Where client reviews and risk assessments are enabled and configured, users can complete these within the Troika Administration module, Client tab and the menu options Client Review - Add and Risk Assessment - Add.

In the event there are no client reviews available for selection, or an additional review is required, please follow these instructions to add one to the setup:
How to add and amend Client Reviews

In the event there are no risk assessments available for selection, or an additional assessment is required, please follow these instructions to add one to the setup:
How to add and amend risk assessments questions and risk levels

In the event a review or assessment is selected which the user does not have permission to access, they will see one of the following warnings:

The current user does not have a defined access level for this client!

You have insufficient rights to edit this review.

Amending Review Permissions

In the event permissions require adjusting to allow access, a user with administrative level access can access the Troika Utilities module, Tools tab and the menu option Review Permissions to make the necessary amendments.

Locate the user from the list and amend 'Permission level' accordingly.

If you are required to check the level of a particular review or assessment, before adjusting these permissions, you can do this within Utilities, the Tools tab, and the menu options Client Review Editor or Risk Review Editor.

There are also the options here to 'Allow delete', 'Allow clone', and 'Allow override'.  These settings either:

  • allow the user to delete a client review or risk assessment.
  • allow the user to clone an existing risk assessment, to then edit and save with minor adjustments.
  • allow the user to override a risk assessment level calculated in a risk assessment.

Click Close to save any changes and exit.

This article is applicable from Troika release 2.09.001.

This article was last reviewed 03/2024.