Where Troika is already installed and set to utilise an existing Microsoft Office 32-bit installation, any MSOffice reinstallation Troika is expecting would also be 32-bit.
Where a 64-bit version is installed instead, users will receive warnings on trying to enter the Troika modules and will be unable to proceed. For example:
A problem occurred in RefreshlinkedTable - ODBC--connection to 'TROIKA'
ODBC--connection to 'TROIKA' failed.
Ini File - C:\TWW\Troika\troikasql.ini
ODBC--connection to 'TROIKA' failed.@Object/Procedure : modTableQueryFunctions, RefreshLinkedTable
Error Number : 3151, DAO.TableDef@
Users should refer to the following article to determine whether:
- they should be proceeding in utilising the MSAccess 64-bit installation and if so, how to make the required configuration adjustments, or
- they should be uninstalling MSOffice 64-bit, and re-installing MSOffice 32-bit.
Installing Troika on Operating Systems Requiring 64-bit Microsoft Office
In the event of any further query, please contact support.