This video tutorial will show you how to manage passport records on WealthWorks+.

It provides details on how to:

  • Add a passport record
  • Edit an existing record
  • Delete an incorrect passport record
  • Use the Passports Due to Expire portlet

Managing passport records are not linked automatically to compliance records.  In the event you need to trigger failed compliance alerts for expired passport records, review our tutorial on managing your entity compliance here.

Transcript Tutorial

To add a passport record to an individual, find the contact details for the relevant person. Make sure you are in the General Tab and find the Passports portlet. Then click the Add icon and enter the passport details, including Passport Number, Issuing Country, and the Issue Date. Then click Save.

(00:35) New passports should be added as a new entry, to ensure the passport records history is maintained, but if you need to edit an existing passport, click on the Edit icon, update the details appropriately and click Save. If you need to delete a passport, click on the Delete icon and then Yes to confirm. Deleted Passports are still recorded in the Audit Trail.

(00:57) Any passports that are due to expire are displayed on the Compliance & Risk Dashboard, in the Passports Due to Expire portlet. Here you can adjust the slider to display passports that are due to expire over the next 12 months. You can also set the slider to zero which can help to identify any passports that are missing their expiry dates.

(01:23) As this information is within a dashboard, you can apply the Entity Filters to only see passports due to expire for certain entity groups. Currently, any passports added to the system are only linked to the Passport portlet and are not automatically linked to an entity's compliance requirements. You will need to set up a compliance item for the individual if you want to trigger a failed compliance alert.

(01:50) Refer to the video on managing compliance items for more guidance on this.

This tutorial is confirmed to be applicable from WealthWorks+ release 4.9.