As confirmed here, new editable compliance items are now available to be added to all contacts and entities in WealthWorks+. These replace Troika compliance items which are no longer displayed in WealthWorks+ nor in any dashboards.
This video tutorial will show you how to manage entity compliance items within WealthWorks+.
For a further tutorial on setting up your compliance lists within WealthWorks+, please see here.
Tutorial Transcript
To manage compliance items within an entity or contact find the relevant entity and select the Compliance tab. Here you can see all the items currently saved to the record. The status of each item will show as Disabled, Failed or Success. If you want to see why an item has failed, click on the Columns button and make sure the Reason column is active. Failure reasons include: Not verified - when an item is waiting its initial verification check. Expired - when the verification has lapsed. No longer valid - when the item was verified but the documents expiry date has lapsed.
(00:49) To verify a compliance item, find the relevant item, click on the Actions button and then Verify. You can enter a Location, if the item relates to documents stored externally and a Specific Location which can be used for references such as a safety deposit. Enter the date the item was verified. You can also override the next verification date (for a shorter or longer period). Then click Save. If an item has the 'Has End Date' option enabled, then there is an additional field to capture the expiry date. This can be used for items such as insurance policies or passports. The Valid Until date will expire the item prior to the Next Verification Required date. If you user permissions allow, you can se an item to inactive (Disabled) by ticking the Enabled check box. This will remove the item from the compliance requirements but will keep the item on the record so it can be turned back on when required.
(01:46) The default list of compliance items for the entity type is automatically added when the entity is created. Additional lists can be added to manage different jurisdictional or risk level requirements.
(01:56) To add an additional list to the entity, click on the Add Compliance List button. Select the list and click Save. If you add the same list twice, the items will not be saved to the entity again to prevent duplication.
(02:10) To add a single compliance item, click the Add Compliance item button and select the item from the list. Any items already added to the entity won't be available for selection. You can also verify the item as you add it to the entity.
(02:26) Additional lists and items can be set up under System Administration. Refer to the video on Creating and Editing Compliance Lists for more information.
(02:33) You can delete a compliance item, if your permissions allow. Find the relevant item, click on the Actions button and select Delete. This will then remove the item completely from the list. This option should only be used if the item will never be relevant to the entity. Otherwise you should use the Enabled check box under the Verify option.
(02:54) On the Compliance Tab you can also see the compliance for associated records. In the table you can see a summary of the associated entities and contacts including the overall compliance item status. You can also drill down to that entity or contact by clicking on the relevant name.
This tutorial is confirmed to be applicable from WealthWorks+ release 4.5.