Please note, this tutorial shows you how to use Security Groups in WealthWorks+, functionality introduced initially in release 4.7. This functionality has since been enhanced, and a new tutorial is now available for those on WealthWorks+ release 4.16 onward. Please see Managing Security Groups in WealthWorks+, Release 4.16.
WealthWorks+ now allows you to manage your security groups, adjusting access for your users to specific groups of clients as opposed to all. This video tutorial will show you how to add, amend and delete a security group in WealthWorks+.
In the event you see a warning message when deleting a security group that 'this will delete all related entities of this group', please ignore. This is incorrect. If the group being deleted is already allocated to a user, then deleting the group will remove access to those entities for that user only (unless the entities are also in another security group the user has access to). Not the entities themselves. This incorrect warning will be removed within the next WealthWorks+ release, 4.8.
Tutorial Transcript
To set up a new security group, select Options from the left-hand menu, then System Administration. Make sure you are in the Users section then click on the Security Groups tab.
(00:26) To add a new security group, click on the Add button. Give the group a descriptive name, to help identify it, such as location, risk level or entity type and click Save. Now select the entities from the Available Entities box to add to the group. You can filter the entity list using the control level filter settings on the left, then highlight the relevant entity and click Add. You can add multiple entities at a time either by holding the Shift key to select adjacent entities or the Ctrl key to select any entry, then click Add to move them to the Selected Entities box. To remove an entity from the group, highlight the relevant entry and click Remove. When the list in the Selected Entities box is complete, click Save.
(01:17) To edit a security group ensure the relevant group is selected from the drop-down list, then Add or Remove entities as appropriate. To remove all the entities from the selection, click Clear. To undo the changes and go back to the last saved list, click Reset. Once you have finished making changes click Save to store the changes.
(01:40) To edit the name of a group, select the group from the drop-down list and click the Edit button. Update the name and click Save.
(01:51) To delete an entire group, select the group from the drop-down list and click the Delete button, then Delete again. Note that if a group is already allocated to a user, then deleting the group will remove access to those entities for that user, unless the entities are also in another security group the user has access to.
(02:13) To manage a user’s Security Groups access, select the User Administration tab. Find the relevant user, then click on the Actions button and select Edit. Go to the Entity Access tab, and click in the WealthWorks+ Security Groups box. Then select the relevant group from the drop-down list. You can select several groups for the user depending on their role’s requirements. To remove a user’s access to a security group click on the x to the left of the group’s name. When the user’s security groups are set appropriately, click Save.
This article is confirmed to be applicable from WealthWorks+ release 4.7, through to 4.15.