There are a few options to extract a client listing from the Troika database. Some are filtered/filterable, column customisable, and more detailed than others. It is about finding which offers you the best list for your organisation.

A 'Client Listing' report can be located within the Troika Administrator module, the Client tab, and the menu option Client Details - Edit, and can be run for each client type. For example, in a trust, navigate to the Administration tab and locate the report 'Client Listing'. This report of all trusts will initially be returned in PDF format but can be exported using some of Microsoft Access's in-built export functions. The trust client listing report includes basic details including:

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • Reference
  • Reporting Currency
  • Reporting Year End
  • Control Levels, for your organisation (e.g. Office, Client Group, Partner, Account Manager)
  • Fund Number
  • Name of Fund
  • Currency
  • Date Trust Established

In the event you might also require a listing for all Companies, repeat the 'Client Listing' report on a Company client.

A wider report is available within the Wealth Management module, Global tab, and the Reports menu option. In the Administration section, select Client Listing. If previewed, this report will initially be returned in PDF format. An in-built Microsoft Excel export option is also available.

Alternatively, within WealthWorks+ > Entities > Managed Entity List, full filter options are available, to filter the listing by the four Control Levels, and Entity Status, if required:

In addition, there are also Advanced Filters available too, including filters by jurisdiction and entity type:

WealthWorks+ includes on-screen options to customise columns displayed for the returned information.

The results can be exported to Microsoft Excel.

In the event your organisation requires a listing unique to your options, we are able to provide a bespoke service. Please contact support in the event you wish to commission a change