In the event other areas in WealthWorks+ appear to be loading as expected, but the Contact Directory seen within WealthWorks+ > Contacts > Contact Directory remains blank, it is possible a Web Application Firewall is blocking the return of the content.

Web Application Firewalls are used to protect WealthWorks+ against the wider world, offering a greater level of security. As well as the initial protection, it also monitors the data being exchanged between WealthWorks+ and the browser, and can, on occasion, think the data being returned is harmful, imitating SQL injection.  The Web Application Firewall may block this data from being returned.

To correct this, use the Web Application Firewall log files to locate the most recent error in loading the Contact Directory, and amend to allow any further example of that traffic through. Attempt to re-load the Contact Directory in WealthWorks+. If it is still blank, repeat and amend the Web Application Firewall to allow further examples of that traffic through too. Continue until the Contact Directory loads successfully.

There is one other further example where the Web Application Firewall may block content in WealthWorks+, the alerts system. Repeat steps as above to resolve this too, if this affects your organisation.