Core Accounting features are now available in WealthWorks+ allowing users to setup accounting nominal ledgers and post transactions through to the production of a Trial Balance.
Entities already setup for accounting through Troika can have accounting transactions posted through WealthWorks+, and entities without any previous accounting records can also be used to post transactions.
Please Note, if you have the Global banking feature enabled, with 'mirrored' banking transactions to global entities, accounting in WealthWorks+ will not create these linked transactions. Contact support for further information about accounting in WealthWorks+.
The video below will show you how to add an accounting transactions within WealthWorks+.
All accounting transactions in WealthWorks+ are recorded against an accounting sub-fund. An entity must have at least one accounting sub-fund, to post accounting transactions, but can also have more than one sub-fund. Each sub-fund maintains its own fund nominal accounts and separate Trial Balances. Please see our Sub fund and Sub Fund Nominal code articles for more information on managing these.
Available Accounting Transaction Types
- The Bank Payment and Bank Receipt transaction types are now available alongside the Multi-sided Journal. The payment transaction type is to credit the selected bank account, and analysis lines to allocate the payment against in the nominal ledgers. The bank account may be single or mixed currency. This transaction posts to the selected sub-fund nominal ledgers only. There are no limits on the number of analysis lines that can be posted in a single transaction. The receipt transaction type is to debit the selected bank account, and analysis lines to allocate the payment against in the nominal ledgers.
- The Foreign Exchange Journals (FEX) transaction debits or credits one or more analysis lines in any currency to mixed currency nominal accounts. This transaction posts to the selected sub-fund nominal ledgers only.
- The Bank Interest transaction debits a bank account and crediting an interest received account. Interest can be posted net of tax or gross. This transaction posts to the selected sub-fund nominal ledgers only.
Tutorial Transcript
Within your Managed Entity, it is now possible to post, edit and view transactions. In this video we will focus on adding a transaction. From within a Managed Entity, select the 'Finances' tab.
(00:23) Click the 'Add Transaction' button, which will open the 'Transaction Workspace'. Ensure you are posting the transaction within the correct 'Period'. Choose your 'Transaction Type', from the available options. You can amend the 'Transaction Date' and the 'Value Date' on the transaction you are posting. Enter a 'Description' for your transaction
(01:17) For a bank payment, the default line type for this transaction type is ‘Bank’, the rest of the transaction is editable. Enabling you to add or amend any details as required, then select your next required 'Line Type' from the available options; to create a second entry for the transaction. Continue making required changes on the line for your transaction.
(01:54) If you need to add further lines for your transaction, you can do this by selecting the next 'Line Type', add as many as required. Ensure all lines add up to the total amount ('Credit' and 'Debit'), so there is no 'Unallocated Amount'. If there is an unallocated amount, this will need to be allocated before posting the transaction. Once the transaction is complete, click on 'Post'. The transaction has successfully been posted.
This tutorial is confirmed to be applicable from WealthWorks+ release 4.16.1.