A price file in Troika and WealthWorks+ is a dated 'file' of investment prices and yields for all investments held in the master investment library. For those clients not using a 'price feed' service, such as 'SIX' or 'Interactive Data', the information can be manually imported.
ImportSpec Settings
The ImportSpec setting will set Troika to expect a certain format for the import.
Check the setting within the Utilities module. Select the System tab and the menu option System Settings.
Ensure the Select Type highlights 'Sundry Entries' and look for the 'ImportSpec' setting.
ImportSpec Setting - blank
The ImportSpec setting can be left blank for those clients importing prices where licensed for using SEDOL's.
Where the ImportSpec setting is blank, the expected format for the import will be as follows:
Asset description - long, SEDOL, Currency code - asset, Market Price
- 'Asset description - long' can show the investment name, but is not required.
- 'SEDOL' is the investment's SEDOL code, and is a required field. Please note, the SEDOL code must be padded with an additional character at the end.
- 'Currency code - asset' is the currency of the investment, but is not required.
- 'Market price' is the price to be imported, and is a required field.
The file must be a comma-delimited file, saved with either a csv or txt file extension, with a header line included. Each price record should start on a new line.
An example import file is attached, Example_blank.txt.
ImportSpec Setting - PROQUOTE
The ImportSpec setting is set to 'PROQUOTE' for those importing from IRESS, or importing prices where ISIN's are in use in Troika.
Where the ImportSpec setting is set to 'PROQUOTE', the expected format for the import will be as follows:
Symbol, ISIN, NF, Name, Close, P Close, Mid, Low, Mid Netchg, %Chng, %Off Cls Chng, %P Chng, >, Time
- 'Symbol' is not a required field.
- 'ISIN' is the investment's ISIN code, and is a required field.
- 'NF' is not a required field.
- 'Name' is the investment short name shown in Troika, and is a required field.
- 'Close' is the price to be imported, and is a required field.
- 'P Close' is not a required field.
- 'Mid' is not a required field.
- 'Low' is not a required field.
- 'Mid Netchg' is not a required field.
- '% Chng' is not a required field.
- '% Off Cls Chng' is not a required field.
- '%P Chng' is not a required field.
- '>' is not a required field.
- 'Time' is not a required field.
An example import file is attached, Example_PROQUOTE.xlsx.
ImportSpec Setting - PRICES
Where the ImportSpec setting is set to 'PRICES', the expected format for the import will be as follows:
- 'Code' is the 'Feed Code' for the investment, and is a required field. This is set within the Wealth Management module, the Investment tab and the option Investment Details, 'Feed Code' field.
- 'Mid' is the price to be imported, and is a required field.
- 'Tipe' is not a required field.
- 'check' is not a required field.
- 'F5' is not a required field.
- 'F6' is not a required field.
An example import file is attached, Example_PRICES.xlsx.
Importing the List
Within the Wealth Management module, select the Investment tab and the option Price Files & Yields.
Create a new price file for the required date, and the edit that file.
Select the 'Import...' option and select the file you wish to import.
Click Open. Confirmation that the import has been completed successfully will appear.
This article was last reviewed 09/2024.