Amending the Database Connection
When the Troika Desktop application is started, the connection stored in the 'TroikaSQL.ini' file is used to determine which database and database log-in is being used.
The Troika Desktop option allows you to change the connection being used, by right clicking and selecting, the 'Clear DSN' option to drop the database connection. The connection string in the 'TroikaSQL.ini' file will be removed. Use the 'Select DSN' option to select a new DSN connection. The 'Select Data Source' window will open and allow another system DSN to be used.
The current connection (SQL datavase name; server name; date of the last SQL backup) is displayed as a tooltip on the Troika Desktop application and also in the title bar of the Desktop. The backup information is only a guide and is not a replacement for proper database maintenance and backup procedures.
Amending the Default Configuration File
The connection string that the Troika Desktop uses is stored in the default .ini file. By default this file is named 'troikasql.ini' and is located in C:\TWW\Troika. It can alsobe accessed by right clicking on the Troika Desktop and choosing the 'About' option. A hyperlink to open the default .ini file is displayed.
The Troika Desktop can be forced to use a different configuration file (with a difference database connection) by stating the file name in the shortcut path to the Troika Desktop application, for example, "C:\TWW\Troika\fpsStart.exe" troikasqlTrain.ini.
Any changes to the default configuration file will not take place until the file is saved and the Troika Desktop is exited and restarted.
SQL Script Updates to the Troika SQL Database
Troika incorporates any SQL database amendments in the form of 'SQL scripts' built into the main Troika modules. This avoids the need to carry out any update operations on the SQL Server database. After updating programs, one user must log in to the Troika Desktop and access any module. This will cause the SQL scripts to run automatically.
If you want to monitor each script, a setting can be changed requiring a confirmation prompt for each script in the update. Please contact support for further details on this option.
Ensure you are connected to the Troika database with a SQL login that has been assigned the SQL 'db_TR_USER' role before completing any upgrades. Contact your system administrator if you are in any doubt.
The Remote Support Viewer Application
To enable our support staff to assist users, we use remote software to link to a workstation. The remote support viewer program to do this is included in the folder C:\TWW\Troika and is named 'TroikaSupportSQ.exe'. Right clicking on the Troika Desktop icon in the system tray will offer the option 'Start Online Support Session'. This will only show if the program is available in C:\TWW\Troika andthe entry 'Support Application' in the System Settings menu option found in the Utilities module is se to 'TroikaSupportQS.exe'.
This article was last reviewed 03/2023.