Troika Accounts – Key System Files


As part of the main workstation installation of Troika, various files are installed and the default configuration file ‘troikasql.ini’ sets out where these are maintained. The main files used by Troika Accounts are as follows:


File Name

Location/Additional Information


C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for 64-bit operating systems


C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for 64-bit operating systems



The location of this file is also determined by a registry setting, added by the Troika installation process.


By default, this file is located in ’C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates’. The file can be maintained in an alternative location if Microsoft Word templates are administered centrally. The template contains Word macros so the Word Trusted Location settings should include this folder.


Registry Settings for Troika Accounts


The registry settings for Troika Accounts include other options including the character used for ‘Nil’ in the final accounts. If the path of the Troika workstation installation is amended from the default, the registry settings below will need to be amended.


Example of the Troika Accounts registry entry for 32-bit operating systems:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00











"Nil1"="  -   "





Example of the Troika Accounts registry entry for 64-bit operating systems:











"Nil1"="  -   "





'Troikasql.ini' Configuration File Settings for Troika Accounts


The following entries can be found in the default configuration file, 'TroikaSQL.ini', for Troika and determine the location of the accounts shared area.  


AccountPath=T:\AccountsLocation of the shared accounts folder
Legacy setting, please ignore
Legacy setting, please ignore
In some instances, if the registry entry does not locate Microsoft Word correctly, an override path can be adde here, or a specific version of Microsoft Word can be forced.



Presentation Issues in Microsoft Word


The ‘Smart Cut and Paste’ option in Word needs to be modified to avoid issues in presentations. The accounts process involves copying and pasting and Word may add additional spaces unnecessarily into the accounts pages. The option is found within Word options, but is located differently depending on the version of Word you have installed.


Find the option ‘Use smart cut and paste’ and click the Settings button. Uncheck the entry ‘Adjust sentence and word spacing automatically’.


This article was last reviewed 03/2023.