Occasionally MTD users can experience the following error when trying to submit a VAT return:

VAT Return Problem – Invalid Request to WealthWorks Support Service

As the HMRC VAT API link is not valid indefinitely once activated, but for only a set period, it is possible this has expired.



Re-activating the HMRC VAT API often refreshes the authorisation token within the browser and resolves such issues.

To re-activate the link go to WealthWorks+ > Options > System Administration > API Configuration > Select 'HMRC VAT API' from the drop-down list and click Deactivate.


Once deactivated, reselect 'HMRC VAT API' from the drop-down list again, and select Activate. Re-confirm credentials for the API link to reconnect. 


Once this has been done you should then be able to submit the return without further issue.

In the event of any further issues after reactivation, please forward a copy of the most recent log file contents from the most recent log file seen within WealthWorks+ > Options > System Administration > Health Check > Log Files to support for further assistance.