This article is applicable to the Troika product only.
The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.017.
Fixes and Changes
[Support #27000] Some speed improvements have been made to the Cash Control form, particularly when using the new 'Value Date' option introduced in release 2.09.011.
[Support #27110] A correction has been made to ensure ceased Directors and Secretaries are not included in Relationships tabs after their cease date.
[Support #27110] A correction has been made to ensure other ceased relationships are not included in Relationships tabs after their cease date, including Donees, Signatories, Advisors, Beneficial Owners, Nominees, Trustees, Protectors, Life Tenants, Unit Holders, Qualified Persons, Partners, Executors, Guardians and Council Members.
[Support #27266] A correction has been made to ensure those shareholders becoming members as a result of a share transfer from another shareholder, show correctly in the Relationships tab. Previously these members would not display. In order to correct any incorrect records, you should delete and re-enter that transfer after having applied this release, 2.09.017.
[Support #27218] A correction has been made to ensure that when editing any WIP Standing Charges items on a 'Per Unit Rate' Charge Basis, the Units column is shown and allows for editing.
[Support #27345] A display issue has been corrected within Time & Billing > Client Enquiry > Bills tab affecting invoices produced in a currency other than the client's reporting currency, with tax included. The Net amount onscreen converts (correctly) to the reporting currency, however the Tax amount did not, and remained in the invoice currency in error. As a result of this, the Gross amount would also display incorrectly. The Net, Tax and Gross amounts all now display correctly in the client's reporting currency.
[Support #27260] An issue with deleted register entries appearing in Registers in error has been resolved.
The following probate specific issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.017.
New Features
[Support #26634] A new IHT400 Summary Report is available within Estate Details - Edit > Reports tab for estate. This report is designed to provide a quick overview of the estate financials (as would appear on the IHT400 form) without having to run the entire form itself.
[Support #27010] For those estates with a date of death on or after the 1st January 2022, the PA1 form will now automatically populate the figures required for questions 7.6 and 7.8 based on the estate financials entered through Load Data.
[Support #27294] The new 09/21 version of IHT417 released by HMRC is now included within the Wealth Management probate product.
[Support #27296] The new 01/22 version of IHT421 released by HMRC is now included within the Wealth Management probate product.
[Support #27277] It is now possible to indicate if there is a Hotchpot clause in the will and if there are any bequests which are to be free of tax. The new setting can be found in Estate Details - Edit > Deceased Details tab. When the settings are checked, additional functions will appear in Load Data for data entry. A revision has been made to the estate accounts template to adjust for this too. Please contact Support if you require this template.
Fixes and Changes
[Support #27025] An issue has been corrected to ensure only one IHT400_53 subsection entry in Load Data is accepted. The value of all cash and uncashed travellers cheques should be entered into that one IHT400_53 entry, to ensure the correct balance is reported on the IHT400 form.