This article is applicable to the Troika product only.

The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.016.

New Features

[Support #26163]  Further to a client request, an audit trail has now been included on any changes made to user records in User Groups - Edit.  Please contact support for further information, should you require access to this.

Fixes and Changes

[Support #26125]  To avoid confusion for our offshore customers, the Add Tax Year button within Client Details - Edit > Periods, and Client Periods - Edit, has been re-named to Add UK Tax Year.  When used, a new period ending the following 05/04 will be added.

[Support #26232]  Corrections have been made to an administrative 'Relationships' report run within Troika Administrator > Client Details - Edit > Administration tab, to correctly report Start and End dates of relationships.

[Support #25192]  Changes have been made to the Digita export so more information is included in the export file.  Please contact support for any further information on this.

The following probate specific issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.016.

New Features

[Support #24306]  You can now settle Estate Liabilities by Executors. This uses codes 66300 to 66310 which will need to be setup and will require changes to the Estate template. Please review the article here for further assistance to set this up.

[Support #26750]  A change has been made to allow existing jointly owned assets to be updated to show as passing by survivorship, after initial entry.  To do this, a user should access the Asset/Liability Ledgers menu option, select the asset concerned, and click Edit.  Then, within the asset record itself, use the ‘Asset passes by survivorship’ check box to update the record.  However, users should be aware that this change has meant an amendment to how jointly owned bank accounts are recorded.  Please note therefore, for any estate where an existing 404_6_2 (jointly owned bank account) entry is present in Load Data, and the IHT400 form has not yet been finalised, you will need to delete the existing record and re-enter as a 404_6 jointly owned asset.  In the event you need any further assistance with this, please contact support.

[Support #26805]  The new IHT217 released by HMRC December 2021 is now included within the Wealth Management probate product.

[Support #26849]  The new IHT400 Notes released by HMRC December 2021 are now included within the Wealth Management probate product.

[Support #25405]  When editing items within Load Data on an estate, the Load Data list will no longer jump back to the top of the list once an edit has been complete.  It will instead stay focused on the edited entry.

[Support #26888]  The new IHT206 (IHT205 Notes) released by HMRC January 2022 is now included within the Wealth Management probate product.

[Support #26887]  The new PA1P form released by HMRC January 2022 01.22v2 is now included within the Wealth Management probate product.

[Support #26887]  Preparatory changes have been made, following HMRC's announcement that IHT205 forms should not be completed where the deceased's date of death is on or after the 1st January 2022. Until automation is possible for questions 7.6 and 7.8 (providing values of the estate for inheritance tax and probate), users should enter estate financials through Load Data, as before, run an IHT205 form to obtain confirmation of summary values, which can then be manually input on the PA1P.

Fixes and Changes

[Support #26890]  An 'E' indicator displays against a Load Data transaction, where it has been noted as an estimation.  An issue occurred whereby the 'E' was not being removed from the display, despite the transaction being updated to show it was no longer an estimation.  This issue has now been corrected.

[Support #26634]  An issue within IHT400 Question 81 Funeral expenses has been addressed.  All items now entered under Load Data subsection IHT400_81_3 should now display correctly within the 'Other costs (specify)' section.

[Support #00000]  An issue with the IHT400 form, and 'The value entered does not match the format of the field' warnings on Jointly Owned Asset transactions, has been corrected.