In the event your Microsoft Word installation opens in ‘Read Mode’ it is possible you will get the following Word error when you try running your accounts from Troika:
Microsoft Visual Basic
Run-time error ‘4605’:
This method or property is not available because this command is not available for reading.
Click on ‘End’ and you will be returned to the Troika Accounts Preparation screen, and may also then see the following error:
Troika Wealth Management
frmExportTB_cmdAccounts_Click Automation error 440
No current record.440
In the event both Troika and the Word accounts template remain open, in Word change the mode from ‘Read Mode’ to ‘Print Layout’. Close the Word template and then attempt to re-run the accounts in Troika.
Alternatively, if Word has already closed, open Word and change the mode from ‘Read Mode’ to ‘Print Layout’. Once done, return to Troika and attempt to re-run the accounts.
To change the view, in Word, select the ‘View’ menu and select ‘Print Layout’:
Or alternatively, use the icons in the bottom right hand corner display, and select the highlighted option for 'Print Layout':