This video tutorial will show you how to edit sub fund details in WealthWorks+, as well as recording an entity's risk attitude (either at entity level, or sub fund level).
Tutorial Transcript
To edit the details for a sub-fund, find the relevant entity and select the Finances tab. Select the appropriate sub-fund from the drop-down list and click on the Details section. Then in the General Details portlet click on the Edit icon. Update the details appropriately and click Save.
(00:32) The Risk Attitude can be updated either at sub-fund level or entity level. To update it at sub-fund level, click on the Edit icon in General Details and select the relevant option from the Risk Attitude drop-down list, then click Save. To update it at entity level, go to the Compliance tab, find the Risk and Compliance Level portlet and click on the Edit icon. Then select the Risk Attitude from the drop-down list. If you do not want the entity Risk Attitude to override the sub-fund selection then uncheck the box here. Otherwise this Risk Attitude will replace any previously selected on the sub-fund.
This tutorial is confirmed to be applicable from WealthWorks+ release 4.9.