This article is applicable to the Troika product only.
The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.013.
New Features
[Support #00000] It is now possible to import Chart of Accounts. Please contact support for further information.
[Support #25070] A new menu option within Utilities > Database tab > Transaction Narratives is now available to be given to those supervisors who wish to delete items from the narratives list available when adding transactions.
[Support #25259] It is now possible to create a risk assessment which is available for all entity types, as opposed to having to narrow down to only Company/Trust/Individual/Foundation or Estate.
[Support #25561] It is now possible to post unrealised foreign exchange gains and losses on multi currency transactions. Please follow the instructions here to setup this new function.
Fixes and Changes
[Support #24938] An issue with the All Nominal export, where the first nominal was sometimes excluded, has been corrected.
[Support #25303] The new 08/20 version of IHT100 released by HMRC is now included within the Wealth Management product.
[Support #25385] An issue with repetition of information within the Time & Billing Client Enquiry report has been corrected.
The following probate specific issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.013.
Fixes and Changes
[Support #25244] Estates - Add now has Probate Application and Domicile fields, both automatically defaulting to England and Wales for new estates.
[Support #25302] The new 08/20 version of the IHT426 released by HMRC is now included within the Wealth Management probate product.
[Support #25381] The new 09/20 version of IHT400 released by HMRC is now included within the Wealth Management product.
[Support #25398] For 412 subsection transactions, once business relief is selected to apply, the 'Amount of business relief due' on the Additional Amounts tab will now populate automatically.
[Support #25463] An issue with incorrect grand totals appearing on prints of some 404 and 407 overflow schedules on an estate (when they've been printed using the Print option in the Microsoft Access toolbar, when within a schedule's Preview), has been corrected.