In order for your organisation to use timesheet entry within WealthWorks+, please read our Getting Started with Timesheets in WealthWorks+ guide first.

As part of the setup, you will be required to set up your charge rates. Charge rates must be set before activities can be added to user's timesheets.

This video tutorial will assist you in managing these and help you to: 

  • Add and edit new activities
  • Delete an unused activity
  • Add, edit and delete default charge rates
  • Add, edit and delete user charge rates

In the event you require further assistance in setting up timesheet entry for your organisation within WealthWorks+, please contact support.

Tutorial Transcript

Charge rates must be created before activities can be added to user's timesheets. To manage charge rates, select Options and then System Administration, and go to Rate Maintenance. Activities need to be created first and then rates can be added to them.

(00:25) To add and manage timesheet activities, select the Timesheet Activity Maintenance tab. To add a new activity, click the Add Item button. Give the activity a Name and Reference, then assign it to a Rate Type from the drop-down list. Add a Default VAT rate if appropriate. If debtor ledgers are being maintained in the system, add the Chart of Accounts and Nominal Code the activity needs to post to. When all the relevant details are complete, click Save.

(00:55) To edit an activity, click the Actions button for the relevant entry and then Edit. Make the changes and click Save.

(01:03) To delete an activity, click the Actions button for the relevant entry, select Delete and then Delete again. However, you cannot delete an activity if WIP has already been posted to it.

(01:15) Once a new activity is created it can then be given a default and user charge rate. You must create at least one default rate for each chargeable and office time activity. To create a default charge rate, select the Default Charge Rate Maintenance tab, then click on the Add Item button. Default charge rates can be created for a combination of reporting level, entity, project and activity. Select the Rate Type and the Activity from the drop-down lists. Then choose the Currency and add the charge Rate. Make sure the Active Date is set correctly. If the date is not entered correctly the activity may not be available for users to post to their timesheets. Once all the details are entered correctly, click Save.

(01:57) To edit a default charge rate, click the Actions button for the relevant entry and select Edit. Make the relevant changes and click Save.

(02:08) To delete a default charge rate, click on the Actions button for the relevant entry, select Delete and then Delete again.

(02:16) To set up a user rate, select the User Rate Maintenance tab, then click on the Add Item button. Start typing the user's name in the box and select the appropriate user from the suggested list. Complete all the details to create a bespoke user charge rate for a specific chargeable activity or Entity/Project. Remember to set the Active Date and click Save.

(02:41) To edit a user charge rate, click the Actions button for the relevant entry and select Edit. Make the relevant changes and click Save.

(02:52) To delete a user charge rate, click on the Actions button for the relevant entry, select Delete and then Delete again.

(02:59) User rates take precedence over default rates where two matching rate structures have been specified. See the article for more information on the rate priority order. 

This tutorial is confirmed to be applicable from WealthWorks+ release 4.6.