You can now add, edit, manage and complete tasks across all entities, or for a single entity, within WealthWorks+.

This video tutorial will show you more on how to do this.

Tutorial Transcript

To manage you complete list of tasks click on Organiser and then Tasks & Workflows. From here you can search for a current task using the filter options. You can search for tasks belonging to users that are part of your team, or users on a lower reporting level to yourself, if the role permissions allow. Once you have made your filter selections, click apply to bring up the list of results. To clear the search result, click Clear and the list will reset. Any filters you have selected may get reset if you navigate away from this page to prevent tasks being hidden in the calendar view.

(00:47) If you do not need the filter bar, it can be collapsed to increase the display size of the tasks list, which can be useful if you are working on a smaller device.

(00:56) If you want to add a new task click on the Add Item button. There is also a shortcut to add tasks from the top bar Actions button which is available whilst on any page of the platform. To create a new task, the Entity, Task Description and Priority fields must be completed. The task will automatically be assigned to you, but you can change this if you have permission to allocate tasks to other users. In the Timescales options, set the task's deadline (by default the task is given todays date) and add an advanced warning. Enter the number of days prior to the deadline or the date, you want the warning period to start. Before the warning date is reached the task status will be Pending. After the warning date has been reached, the task will become Due. After the deadline date the task status will be Overdue. In the Frequency options, the task can be set to repeat, and there is a Notes section to add any other details. Once you have added all the relevant details, click Save.

(02:04) If you need to edit a task, find the relevant task, click the Actions button and then Edit. Make the relevant changes and click Save.

(02:16) If you need to delete a task, find the relevant task, Click the Actions button and then Delete. This will remove the task from the system.

(02:28) To mark a task as completed, tick the checkbox in the completed column and then click Complete All Selected. This will bring up a confirmation box for the selected tasks. If you're happy with the list, click Save and the tasks will be removed from the current list. This process is to ensure that tasks are not accidentally marked as completed as, once removed from the current task list, they are not easy to restore.

(02:53) You can also manage tasks from within an entity record. Select the entity and then the Tasks tab. From here you will have all the same options as the global Tasks view but will only see the tasks for the selected entity. If you add a new task from here, the Entity field will automatically be set to the entity you are on. When viewing a single entity you can also see the status of the tasks for that entity by hovering over the tick in entity portlet title bar. The tick will be red when you have overdue tasks for that entity. You can also click on a status to drill down to see those tasks.

(03:28) If you have overdue tasks you will also see a red notification in the top menu bar. You can click on this to quickly access a global overview of all your overdue and due tasks.

This tutorial is confirmed to be applicable from WealthWorks+ release 4.5.