This video tutorial will show you how to edit the schemas within WealthWorks+. Schemas control the layout of the minutes and agendas within WealthWorks+.

Further information on how to prepare minutes and agendas within WealthWorks+ can be found here.

Please note, in the event you need to amend the template itself, this is something which needs editing by thewealthworks, therefore you should contact your System Administrator with your requirements in the first instance, before contacting support.

Tutorial Transcript

To be able to generate a set of minutes or an agenda you first need to have a published schema. To create a schema, click on the Options menu category, and then Schema Administration. An example schema for an agenda and minutes are provided to help get you started.

(00:27) New schemas can be created by clicking the Add button. Give the schema a name and a short description to help differentiate the schema from other schemas in use. Select the entity types you wish the schema to be available for and the schema type. Now you can add the schema items. You can add single items or groups of items. When adding a single item, select the text format required such as Heading or details, then type @ into the text box to bring up the full list of available items.  Select the item and add any other text you wish to be included. Then click OK. If you select 'Add group item' this will create a section that will only use data for one specific event category. Select the event category for the section and click OK, and then add items to that section using the same process as before. Note that the available @ list will be limited to data related to the selected event category. You can rearrange the order of the items by grabbing the item or section bar and moving it to the desired location. To edit the details of any of the items, click the Edit icon in that item. Make the required changes and click OK. To remove any items click on the Delete icon in the item. There is also a Preview option which helps to confirm that the items you have added will display the information as expected. Once you are happy you have all the items in the schema set up correctly click Save Schema.

(02:06) To make the schema available for use you also need to Publish it.  Only published schemas can be used to generate minutes and agendas. Any schemas still in draft will not be accessible to users.

(02:25) To edit a schema, it first needs to be unpublished. Published schemas cannot be edited. Click the Actions button and select Unpublish Schema. Once unpublished, click on the Actions button again and select Edit Schema Details. Make the necessary changes and click Save Schema.

(02:44) You can also make a duplicate of an existing schema. From the edit screen, select Clone Schema. This will allow you to make a new schema very quickly if you need another version that only requires minor changes from the original.

 Once cloned, change the name and description appropriately along with the other minor changes needed and click Save. Once the changes have been made remember to publish the schema again to make it accessible for use.