New Features in WealthWorks+ 4.5.0

  1. Support for uploading MS Outlook emails to WW+ running in the Chrome and MS Edge browsers.
  2. Add new tasks from anywhere in WW+.
  3. Edit and delete existing tasks from the Organiser or Entity Details.
  4. New compliance records - Compliance item administration and compliance lists.
  5. New compliance records - Entity Compliance and Item Verification.
  6. Organisational Charts - New Features.
  7. Read only WealthWorks+ security groups.

Outlook drag and drop emails to Chrome and Edge 

If you are using Chrome or MS Edge browsers to access WW+, you can now drag and drop an email directly from outlook to the document store drop zone, without the need to drag the file to the desktop first.  Other browsers may still require you to drag the file to the desktop first (to create the msg file) before uploading it to WealthWorks+.

Adding New Tasks

The ability to add, edit, complete and delete tasks is now fully available in this release. Tasks can be added in a number of locations in WealthWorks+.  The Actions button at the top of the page will always display the option 'Add Task'.  In addition, you can find a 'plus' Add Task button at the top of the Tasks List in the Organiser > Tasks & Workflows, and also the Entity Details, Tasks Tab, and finally the Sub Fund Details Tasks Tab.

You can add Task details, priority, assign it to a colleague (if they have access to the chosen entity), set the deadline and advanced warning, and if you want the task to repeat.  Before the warning date is reached the task status will display as 'pending'.  After the warning date has been reached, the task will become 'due'. After the deadline date the task status will be 'overdue'.  Overdue and Due tasks will displayed in the notifications bar in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Tasks can be re-assigned to another user when the task is edited.  You can edit a task from the Organiser > Tasks & Workflows, and also the Entity Details, Tasks Tab, and finally the Sub Fund Details Tasks Tab, by clicking the Actions button next to each task.

Task Permissions

Access to tasks is controlled by the following permissions for built-in roles provided by WealthWorks+.  If you have created your own roles for users, you will need to grant permissions to the Organiser > Tasks & Workflows > Tasks and Task Listing to give access to the above function.

Role NamePermissions Granted to Built-in Role
Clerical SupportView, Add, Edit and Delete
AccountantView, Add, Edit and Delete
Trust OfficerView, Add, Edit and Delete
DirectorView, Add, Edit and Delete
External - OwnerNone
SupervisorView, Add, Edit and Delete

New Compliance Items

New editable compliance items are now available to be added to all contacts and entities in WealthWorks+.  These replace Troika compliance items which are no longer displayed in WealthWorks+ nor in any dashboards.  The new system is more flexible and allows items to be disabled on a contact to prevent inaccurate compliance failures being reported.

The WealthWorks+ compliance items allow you to record the date you have checked all sorts of documents and items you need to see, and ensure these document in check remain valid.  You'll get advanced warning of the checks or items becoming invalid and also clearly see if an entity is relying on the items of a contact who is related to the entity (such as a director or a company, or a trustee).

Compliance Items can be:-

  • Items you only need to see once, and then they remain valid in perpetuity
  • Items that you need to see at regular intervals
  • Items that go out of date (such as passport or insurance policy document)

Compliance items can also used as a simple checklist as part of onboarding, to ensure you have all the necessary documentation in place.

Compliance Item Administration

Sample compliance items have already been provided with this release for each entity type including passports, references, AEOI Self Certification, Certificates of Incorporation and Trust Deeds.  These example items can be amended from Options > System Administration > Compliance Administration.  Select the entity type and highlight the default compliance list.  Each entity type must have a default list in place.  Compliance Items in the default list will be added to new entities and contacts automatically when they are created in WealthWorks+.  

The list of items are displayed when the name is selected and the items can be amended or deleted.  Click the add button to add new compliance items to a the list.  Click the Add button in compliance lists portlet if you wish to create a new list of compliance items.  There is no limit to how many lists can exist for an entity type.  For example, "Jersey Companies - High Risk", "Individuals - US Settlor".  A list of compliance items can be added to a contact or entity at any point, or individual items added instead of a list.  Remember, the default list of items (identified by the blue star icon), are added to new contacts and entities so use this list for items that all contacts and entities must have.

Compliance items require a description, the interval at which you want to see the item to re-verify it, and if it has an end-date or not.  Items that physically have an end-date might be a passport, or insurance policy.   The interval is how often you need to see the compliance item. If you only need to verify the item once, and then not see it again at a regular interval, select 'never expires'.  Items that never expire, don't require regular verification, however you can still record the verification date as as and when the item is seen.  

Compliance Items for an entity or contact

Go to the compliance tab for a selected entity or contact to view the current compliance items.  The status of the item will be displayed as success or failed.  Items will be failed if they are not verified, or if the next verification date has been reached, and the item not re-verified.  If the item also carries an end date, and the date has been reached, the item will also display as failed.  A 'Reason' column can be added to the table to see why an item has failed.  

To verify a compliance item, select Actions > Verify and enter the Verified Date.  The next verification date (if required) will calculate automatically.  The next verification date can be overridden (for a shorter or longer period) and an audit record of the date override will be made by date and user.   If the item becomes invalid (i.e. it has an end date), enter this date too.  You can also select a location for the item from a list, and enter a very specific location such as filing or safety deposit reference.

If your role had delete permissions, an item can be disabled by clicking verify, and unchecking 'enabled'. The item will not be reported as failed item, and if the contact is related to an entity, this item will not be reported as a failure.  Alternative if the item is never required for the contact, it can be deleted. 

Compliance Item Dashboards

New compliance item dashboards to display in advance items which are due to expire and need verification will be available shortly.  New dashboards to display which entities have failed compliance because their items or their associated contact items have failed, will also be available in future releases.  Older compliance items dashboards for Troika legacy compliance items have now been removed.

Compliance Item Permissions

Access to the contact and entity compliance items is controlled by the following permissions for built-in roles provided by WealthWorks+.  If you have created your own roles for users, you will need to grant permissions to the Entity Details > Compliance > Compliance Items to give access to the above function.

Role NamePermissions Granted to Built-in Role
Clerical SupportView
AccountantView, Add and Edit
Trust OfficerView, Add and Edit
DirectorView, Add, Edit and Delete
External - OwnerNone
SupervisorView, Add, Edit and Delete

Compliance Administration

To be able to maintain the compliance items, add new items and create lists of items for each entity type,  you will need to grant permissions to Options > System Administration > Compliance Administration. The built-in roles provided by WealthWorks+ are as follows: -

Role NamePermissions Granted to Built-in Role
Clerical SupportNone
AccountantView, Add, Edit and Delete
Trust OfficerView, Add, Edit and Delete
External - OwnerNone
SupervisorView, Add, Edit and Delete


NB Compliance items can also be disable to stop them failing entity compliance if the role is assigned Delete permissions.

Organisational Charts - New Features

The organisational chart can now have entities with their own records expanded outwards to extend the chart to include other entity records by clicking the plus button on each contact.  The root entity (the entity selected), beneficial owner contacts, settlors and contacts that are not managed entities cannot be expanded.  

The contact are also have different colour backgrounds: -

  • Yellow - 'Root' of the chart (the contact you have started with).
  • Blue - Contacts
  • Green - Entities with their own registers and records.  These can be expanded out further.

If you don't want a specific contact to appear on the chart, it can also now be removed by clicking the delete icon on each contact.

'Snap to grid' has been enabled along with a background grid display for easy alignment of contacts.  The connectors can also be dragged, and nodes added by clicking on them to position around contacts.

An organisational chart can now be saved after any amendments have been made.  Saving an organisational chart will preserve the layout and any contacts you have expanded or deleted.  The saved chart will always be displayed by default.   The positioning, contacts and entities that have been added or deleted will be saved.  If any changes are made to the chart, the layout will need to be saved again using the save button which will be displayed.  A reset button will allow the chart to be regenerated from the records in WealthWorks+.  To remove a saved chart, click reset, and then save the chart before making any changes.  If you leave a tab before saving, the default or saved chart will be redrawn.

Printing an organisation chart will preview the chart first and you should use your printer settings to change the paper size, orientation and scaling to a suit the size of the chart you have created. This will ensure all entities and details are included on the chart.  In Chrome and Edge, to print the entity name on the chart, add 'Headers and Footer' in the print preview options.

Alternative exporting the chart to the SVG and PNG will allow to right click on the preview and save the entire chart which can then be imported into another application such as MS Word or a report.  The SVG file format has a transparent background and the PNG has a white background.  The SVG is a vector image that is suitable for scaling up and down in size.

To be able to expand, amend remove items from the organisation chart you will need you will need to grant permissions to Entity Details > Charts > Organisation Chart. The built-in roles provided by WealthWorks+ are as follows: -

Role NamePermissions Granted to Built-in Role
Clerical SupportView
AccountantView, Add, Edit and Delete
Trust OfficerView, Add, Edit and Delete
DirectorView, Add, Edit and Delete
External - OwnerView
SupervisorView, Add, Edit and Delete

Read only security groups


A new feature is available in this release to provide ‘view-only’ security groups for users in addition to the standard WealthWorks+ security groups.  Entities assigned to the standard WealthWorks+ security groups can be accessed according the role permissions, be that View, Add, Edit and Deleting records.

WealthWorks+ View Only Groups are provided in addition, and entities within a View Only security group that are given to a user can only be viewed, regardless of the role permissions.  If an entity is included in both a read-only security group and a full access security group, then the entity will always be assigned full access rights.  If an entity is included in both a read-only security group and a standard (full access) security group, then the entity will always be assigned full access rights.

To edit enable read only security groups, edit the option for each user in the following location: -

  • System Administration > Users > Edit User
  • Then, under the Entity Access tab a new selection field labelled ‘WealthWorks+ View Only Groups’.

Bulk processing of entities such as bulk address changes, bulk register assign and cease will exclude entities assigned to read-only security groups.  Accessing the organiser view of tasks and activities will also exclude tasks assigned to a read-only security group.  Dashboards will include entities assigned to a read-only security group.