This guide will show you how to use the synopsis feature to add a summary of the will to the estate accounts.
Adding the Synopsis, in Troika
Within Troika Administrator, Client tab, and the menu option Client Details - Edit, select the Memo tab.
Click the Add New Entry button.
Enter the memo's details, ensuring the Category drop down list is selected to be Synopsis.
Click OK to save.
Adding the Synopsis, in WealthWorks+
Within WealthWorks+, select the estate from the Entity List. Navigate to the Entity Memo tab. You may need to click the ellipsis on the right hand side to see the extended list of tab options:
Click on the Actions button and select Add Entity Memo.
Select the Memo Category to be Synopsis and then enter the details you wish to show on the accounts. Click Save to save the memo.
Checking Accounts Settings
In order for the synopsis to merge into the accounts, the settings need to be correct.
Within Wealth Management, Client tab and the menu option Accounts Production, check the option for Other Schedules within Section 3.
Click the edit button to open the Other Schedules Settings.
With the radio button selecting the Client/Fund, ensure that the rptSynopsis3 is shown within the Schedule listing. The Order column for this entry should be blank.
In the event the Order is showing as 0, delete this. You record should look like this:
You can continue to export your accounts data as normal, and run your estate accounts. The synopsis entries should now appear on the initial Information page of the estate accounts.
This article is confirmed to be applicable from Troika release 2.09.001.