This video tutorial will show you how to add new users to the system within WealthWorks+.
This process will replace adding users through Users - Add in Troika Utilities, for those using WealthWorks+, as outlined within Adding New Users Within Troika.
Before a new user can be added within WealthWorks+, the individual will need to already be in the system as a contact record. Please see our tutorial here on how to add contacts within WealthWorks+.
Tutorial Transcript
If you have the relevant permissions you can add a new user via System Administration. Before you add a new user you need to make sure that the user has been entered into the database as a contact first. Refer to the Adding Contacts video tutorial for guidance.
(00:26) Once the user has a contact record in the database, go to System Administration under the Options menu, select Users and click on the Add Icon. You will be reminded of the system licensing terms which you will need to accept before you can proceed. The licence is for concurrent users, so you can have more users on the system than you have a licence for, however you cannot log in more users than the licence allows at any one time. Then enter the details for the user working through each tab. If you are unsure of what information is required hover the cursor over the information icon to find out more.
(01:08) For their Identity, search for the user's contact record and enter 3 letters for their initials which will be used as their login credentials. If the user's contact record already has an email address added to it then the email address field will be automatically populated. If not, enter it here. The Windows User information is relevant to clients using Single Sign-on only. For Entity Access, add the security groups and set the relevant control level access for the user. For System, select a pre-defined role and the appropriate menu groups. This will set the function permissions for the user. For Security, set further access levels if appropriate and create an initial password for the user. The password will need to meet the set criteria of your password policy. Your password policy can be found in your profile information under the Change Password option. Don't forget to keep a record of the initial password to give to the user. For Tasks, set who the user reports to and their reporting level, and if the user can have permission to re-assign tasks to users on any reporting level. If this is left unchecked the user can re-assign tasks but only to other users on the same reporting level. For Timesheets, set the default chargeable activity and any other relevant options. Once you have completed all the details, click Save. Your new user will then be added to the system. You can now give the user their login credentials, consisting of their user initials and the password you set for them.
(02:56) If you need to edit a user's details, find the user in the list, click the Actions button and then Edit. Make the required changes and click Save.