This article is applicable to the Troika product only.

The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.009.

New Features

[Support No. 21918] A new VAT analysis report has been added which shows transactions split into the different VAT rates.

[Support No. 23060] The ability to undo a transaction import has now been included.

[Support No. 24169] An option to export the Sales Ledger statement information into an Excel spreadsheet has been added, at client request.  The Excel export button is now available within Wealth Management, Sales tab (or Purchases), Reports, Statements, and exports the core information displayed within a particular companies sale ledger enquiry screen.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 24206] An issue where user logins set to have read only access to the data within Troika are unable to drill down within an investment to see the transactions behind it, has been corrected.

[Support No. 24212] The Partnership Date of Incorporation field, in addition to the registration date, is now available in Troika Administrator for partnership entities only.

The following probate specific issues were addressed in this release of Troika version 2.09.009.

New Features

[Support No. 22925] The Estate Status Report (Wealth Management, Global, Reports), 'Awaiting Grant' report has been amended.  Using a date range, this will now return all clients where the IHT Form Submitted date is within the range, however no Date of Probate has been entered on the case.  Removing the date range altogether will return all estate clients where no IHT Form Submitted date has been entered yet.  Any further assistance required, please contact us.

[Support No. 24263] The new IHT400 Calculation form released by HMRC (version 12/19) has been incorporated into Troika. 

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 24190] An issue where the figure in Box 6, IHT400 Calculation differed to that shown within Box 108, IHT400 (by the 418_9 amount entered on an estate) has been corrected.

[Support No. 24077] For estate cases where shares and security entries are required under the IHT417 (questions 1 or 6), these can now be entered within Load Data under the Investment asset type. All other 417 entries continue to be made within the Assets/Liabs asset type, within Load Data.