To create a nominee shareholder in the register of members, the nominee should first be setup in the register of nominees. From the Registers tab for the entity, select the nominee register and click on the plus button to create a new record. Select the contact who is the nominee (the nominee shareholder) and then the nominor (the beneficial owner of the shares). You will need to enter the effective date which is usually set as the date of the Declaration of Trust (or nominee shareholder agreement).

Then go to the Registers tab for the entity, select the members register and click on the plus button to create a new record. Select the member as the nominee shareholder you have just created in the Nominee register and a share class. The list of 'Beneficial Owners of Shares' will now list the nominor you have created above along with the any other contacts this nominee can hold shares on behalf of. Select the contact and the label Registered Owner will change to the type 'Nominee Shareholder'.