This article is applicable to the Troika product only.

The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.001.

New Features

[Support No. 19658] Wealth Management - An option to output basic financial information from the Trial Balance to XML.  Further updates on when this function is extended to be usable will follow as the facility is developed.

[Support No. 21012] All - We have added the ability to do 5% capital withdrawals on Life Insurance Investment Bonds on an annual basis.

[Support No. 16693] Wealth Management - The IHT100 Inheritance Tax Account form is now available in Troika for Trust clients. The form is available within the Wealth Management module, IHT Forms option. Please refer to the Support Portal for further detail on which information populates direct from Troika information.

[Support No. 21467] Utilities - An enhancement has been made to the existing Addresses menu option (Utilities, Database tab) to make it possible to update addresses en mass, where a move has occurred which affects several clients. An Effective Date field is now available to record the effective date of the new address chosen, and ensure the replaced address remains in the address history, if required. Alternatively, the option to still select an address and replace with a substitution (where this has been entered in error, or you are clearing up duplication's) remains. In the event of any query please contact us.

[Support No. 21619] Wealth Management - The ability to attach a document at transaction and or investment ledger within Troika Wealth Management has been added.

[Support No. 17141] Wealth Management - New transaction types have been added to the menu option 'Transactions - Add' to post Accumulation Income Units and Accumulation Re-invested Income via the investments button. The journal options are no longer required and the transactions can be posted in a single posting.

[Support No. 21565] All - A new option to assign a nominal code type to the financial statement type of balance sheet, profit and loss or suspense has been added. WealthWorks+ will have the ability to display a Trial Balance with Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet only.

[Support No. 21628] Administrator - For clients which have South Africa noted as their Jurisdiction there is now a South African specific share schedule available, which includes passport number.

[Support No. 19419] Administrator - A new option to record the nominor for the nominee shareholder has been added to the Register of Members. Where both the member contact in the Register of Members is identical to the nominee contact in the Register of Nominees, the Nominor (the beneficial owner of the shares) can be recorded for each member record. Existing nominee records can be 'linked' to each member, creating a nominee shareholder, or new nominees created in the Register of Nominees. Shares can be allotted and transferred to existing or new nominee shareholders too using the new buttons available on these registers.

[Support No. 21743] Wealth Management - When using Tax form preparation, check the event merge button for multiple disposals if you wish to use the new function so that where disposals have occurred across multiple sub funds of the same holding they will merge into one transaction on the tax form.

[Support No. 21767] All - A new option has been added to the System Settings in Troika Utilities (PIIHidden), to suppress the contact fields for Personal Identifiable Information to assist with GDPR requirements. Setting the value to true will prevent the following fields from being displayed: Mothers Maiden Name, Fathers Forename, Colour of Eyes, Distinguishing Features, Occupation, Memorable Date, Password and Honours.

[Support No. 21961] Wealth Management - On request from a user the unrealised profit and loss on exchange has been added to the Excel export of the trial balance so that it more closely matches the on screen trial balance.

[Support No. 21809] Wealth Management - An option has been added so that you can suppress CGT when using the Tax Form export function with Digita.

[Support No. 16697] Wealth Management - The ability to allocate fractional shares to a partial redemption shares and cash has been added.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 21338] Administrator - An issue with the status filter available within the Missing Compliance Report has been corrected.

[Support No. 20440] Wealth Management - A correction has been made to the client periods so that when a new tax year or period is added, the status of the accounting period is set to open automatically.

[Support No. 21228] Administrator - Some consistency has been introduced to the register on all entities noting professional relationships.  The register will now be known as 'Advisors and Officers', as opposed to one of either 'Professional Advisors', 'Professional Officers', 'Officials' or 'Advisors', depending on client type.

[Support No. 21323] All - Two further options are now available within AEOI - CRS tabs within client records - 'Financial Institution - Other Investment Entity' for Company, Trust and Foundation entities and 'Financial Institution - Depository/Custodial or Specified Insurance' for Company entities.

[Support No. 21360] All - A correction has been made to the Fund Details, Nominals tab to accommodate longer Fund References.  These longer references in place at some client sites were causing changes here to not be saved,

[Support No. 21300] Wealth Management/Utilities - The menu option to recalculate all investment ledgers in Troika has been relabelled 'Investment Ledgers - Recalculate', instead of its original name 'rejig'.

[Support No. 21354] All - A correction has been made to ensure that new ledgers are correctly processed following the introduction of an audit trail.

[Support No. 21337] Administrator - A new 'memo' option has been added to both the CRS and FATCA AEOI tabs of Troika Administrator to provide additional details to support the exact classification of the entity along with any notes. The memo fields are also exported in the Excel reporting feature on each tab.

[Support No. 21421] Time & Billing - An enhancement has been made within WIP Transactions - Edit All, to ensure that, when editing any item in a long list here, on reverting back to the list, the sorts remain in tack, and the focus remains on the client edited and doesn't scroll back to the top of the list.

[Support No. 21437] Administrator - A correction has been made to the option to add meeting attendees to the meeting registers. Partnership registers now display the correct list of current partners initially, and allow other contacts to be added.

[Support No. 21439] Time & Billing - An issue with an #Error display within the Client Enquiry, WIP, Report has been corrected.

[Support No. 21444] Wealth Management - A change has been made to the global posting screen for rights issues in Troika Wealth Management. When posting sale of rights nil paid, you can now enter the market price of the rights nil paid separately from the SNP price which calculates the proceeds for the sale. The RNP market price calculates the cost and the SNP calculates the proceeds.

[Support No. 21466] Wealth Management - A new field has been added to record that shares in issue are fully diluted.

[Support No. 21477] Wealth Management - An issue with a warning appearing saying "A share schedule is already being prepared - please try again later" when running investment reports has been corrected.

[Support No. 21480] All - The passport expiry date and passport country of issue has been added as a standard contact field in preparation for filing records to HMRC for the UK trust and estate registration service (TRS).

[Support No. 21537] All - Further options have been added to Document Link, at client's request, to enable the recipient's Tax Residency, NI Number and TIN to be generated.

[Support No. 21544] Wealth Management - A change to the landscape nominal report has been made to improve the display of the exchange difference, calculated from the transactions included on the report.

[Support No. 21518] Administrator - The register of Trustees has been amended in Troika Administrator to allow one of the trustees to be flagged as the 'Lead Trustee'. This additional information is required in the UK, by HMRC for the trust registration service.

[Support No. 21519] Administrator - The register of Trustees has been amended in Troika Administrator to allow any of the beneficiaries to be flagged as 'Vulnerable'. This additional information is required in the UK, by HMRC for the trust registration service. A 'vulnerable beneficiary' is either: (a) a person who is mentally or physically disabled. (b) someone under 18 - called a 'relevant minor' - who has lost a parent through death.

[Support No. 21556] Wealth Management - A change has been made to an incorrect formula in use when displaying the Market Value on the Investment Ledger screen/print. The information now shown here is correct.

[Support No. 21567] Administrator - The ability to attach notes has been added to the following register types: Company, Director, Foundation, Partnership and Trust Meetings.

[Support No. 21552] All - Further options have been added to Document Link, at a client's request, to enable the recipient's Tax Reference, Nationality, and Citizenship to be generated. In addition, RecipientDOBLong is now available (showing the recipient's DOB in a long 8 June 1975 format), and RecipientAddressComma (showing the recipient's address, in full, on one line, separated by commas).

[Support No. 21607] Time & Billing - An amendment has been made within the Billing screen to avoid issues when amending the Bill Entity and making a quick client selection. The client selection will now not be available until the bill entity change has successfully finished processing, to avoid such issues.

[Support No. 21610] Administrator - A correction has been made to the Powers of Attorney register in Troika Administrator to ensure a contact (employee) can be added where the Donee is company or organisation.

[Support No. 21595] Wealth Management - A correction has been made to the 'Trial Balance - All Funds' excel export option. This now runs without issue, for all clients, regardless of number of funds. Previously, for those clients with a large number of funds, it was reaching a Microsoft export limitation of 255 columns and failing as a result.

[Support No. 21495] Time & Billing - Some improvements have been made to the Billing screen speed, following reports of issues.

[Support No. 21695] Wealth Management - If the terms of a corporate action are updated and/or changed after being posted, it is possible to reverse and re-post the event. For further details on the required process, please contact the support team in the first instance.

[Support No. 21312] Wealth Management - The bank account in transaction entry no longer changes when the transaction type is changed. This change allows users to select (override) a specific bank account and not have the bank account change, when they change the transaction type. If you change the investment or asset and the default bank on the ledger is different, the correct default account will be reverted back to, and not have the account the user has selected, frozen - i.e. the correct defaults will still work where they are different from the account the user has selected.

[Support No. 21717] Time & Billing - An error seen when trying to post a time entry to a tariff/for a user whom has less than three activities available to them, has been corrected.

[Support No. 21798] Administrator - A switch to allow users to change the currency of the CRS balances report has been added. It should be noted that this is system wide and is designed as a one off change.

[Support No. 21830] Utilities - The ability to filter administration security groups for clients has been amended to allow the list to be filtered by any client control level. The administrator groups assigned to each user control which clients they can access in both Troika Administrator and Troika Connect.

[Support No. 22444] Administrator - An issue with the display of the history of share certificates has been resolved.

[Support No. 21917] All - The ability to export using the old Trust name has been reinstated. For instructions on how to activate this feature please contact us.

[Support No. 21937] Wealth Management - When adding an investment as the result of a corporate action the default nominal codes were only populating up to the Foreign Exchange Profit and loss. This has now been extended to include all default codes.

[Support No. 21990] Time & Billing - A correction has been made to ensure that WIP items assigned to a non-chargeable activity code are correctly shown within "WIP Transactions - Edit" when the N/Charg. filter option is used. These were previously showing under the Chrg. filter in error.

The following probate specific issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.09.001.

New Features

[Support No. 21810] When users run an IHT form for an estate which still has estimated values remaining, a warning message will display.  This offers the opportunity to users to amend these estimated values to correct values, in the event they have been forgotten about, prior to producing the IHT form.

[Support No. 19863] The PA1 Probate Application form is now available to complete within Troika for Estates.  The application will populate with basic information already entered regarding your estate (Date of death, will detail, addresses etc.).  Additional information can also be collected and populated using the relevant Load Data subsections.  Please refer to the Complete Listing of Troika Entries, for the PA1 for further assistance.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 21401] It is now possible to amend an incorrectly entered Date of Death for an estate client. Date of Death transactions will amend automatically, but any administration period transactions will need further review/amendment as required.

[Support No. 21958] An error seen when trying to use the edit button next to the 'Attorney' or 'Attorney To' fields incorrectly, when no attorney has been entered for editing, has been blocked.

[Support No. 21908] The new IHT423 form released by HMRC (version 07/18) has been incorporated into Troika.

[Support No. 21391/21602] Following HMRC's decision to withdraw a form fillable version of the IHT436 from their website, we have also removed this facility.  Subsection 436_5 and 436_16 are no longer available within Load Data, and only information entered within subsection 436_1 in Load Data can populate the form.  All other fields will now require manual input.

[Support No. 22009] A correction has been made to ensure the IHTC4 Corrective Account correctly reports asset and liability additions and amendments in correct section of the form.

[Support No. 21979] A correction has been made to ensure any zero balance Load Data bank account entries display in Load Data correctly, after existing and re-entering Load Data.  Load Data entries can be made with zero balances, and is often used where the balance of an account is not known initially and users wish to record the account, but remain uncommitted on the balance within it.

[Support No. XXXXX] - The Registrar details have been added to the Document Link function so that users can pick up the details from the database when writing letters.

[Support No. 21908] New 07/18 versions of IHT400 sub schedules 407 and 423 released by HMRC are now included.