This article is applicable to the Troika product only.
The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.08.023.
New Features
[Support No. 19376] For Court of Protection clients, the new OPG102 form released early 2016 has been made available within Reports. Basic information populates automatically within the form. This will be expanded further in the next release.
[Support No. 19814] A new feature has been added to remove the terms and date of the will on intestate estates accounts.
[Support No. 19869] A new marital status is now available to record against entities - Judicially Separated.
[Support No. 19778] A new asset schedule, Asset Schedule 3, is available in Times New Roman.
Fixes and Changes
[Support No. 19224] A correction has been made to the display on the share summary screen of nil paid value shares which was incorrectly showing a share premium.
[Support No. 19618] A correction has been made to the Troika Desktop application to prevent an error appearing where the windows user name has an apostrophe in the name.
[Support No. 19752] The option to include or exclude non chargeable WIP from the billing screen has been corrected. The filter was not being applied correctly to the work in progress transactions.
[Support No. 19784] A display issued with the sub totalling on the Statement of account sub report has been fixed.
[Support No. 19769] A memo report has been added in the Administration module to enable users to report on memo entries added.
[Support No. 19783] A correction has been made to the Trial Balance Journals screen to ensure the TB display is refreshed fully when any transaction is edited via the same screen.
[Support No. 19676] The field Primary Tax Reference has now been made available for all entity types and can be updated via the Client Details - Edit screen in Troika Administrator. Previously the field was only available for individuals.
[Support No. 19847] In the Life Tenants section in Administrator, it is now possible to note that the life tenant is the Deemed Settlor for French trust tax reporting purposes.
[Support No. 19857] A correction has been made to the display of the risk assessment 'management of risk' text on both the report and screen, where the risk level has been overridden.
[Support No. 19880] A correction has been made to the manual time entry screen, for time and fee activities to remove a restriction on the number of units that could be entered.
[Support No. 19924] A correction has been made to the time and billing summary reports, to prevent an error being displayed when 'office time' was included in the report.
[Support No. 19882] A correction has been made to the Client Enquiry report in Time & Billing to ensure the work in progress section of the report and billing section is always displayed in full.
[Support No. 19928] An issue with the display results (and Report results) when using the 'Filter by Bill Entity' option within Client Enquiry has been corrected.
[Support No. 19771] An issue with ensuring 'Other Schedules' are created successfully the first time accounts are run on a client has been corrected.
[Support No. 19874] The option to change the decimal precision of the exchange cross rate calculation has been added to Troika Utilities. From the settings menu option find the entry for 'FX Precision' and amend the value. The default is set to 9 decimal places.
The following probate specific issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.08.023.
Fixes and Changes
[Support No. 19286] A change has been made to the rounding logic within the client splitting function for estates which automates the calculations for distributions up to four decimal places.
[Support No. 19675] Within Load Data in the Wealth Management module there is an option within banks and investments to show that an amount entered is an estimate. A correction was made to ensure that once the estimate notification was removed it will not reappear unless the estimate is reapplied.
[Support No. 19456] A C4(C) - Continuation page for form C4 - form has been added into IHT Forms for estate clients for use. Currently this is a blank form for you to populate, but the automation of the C4, and its continuation, is being progressed.
[Support No. 19746] Within IHT form (or Estate Details - Edit, Forms tab), a 'Pages' field is automatically populated with the page numbers relevant to the IHT subsections you have completed on your estate. Copy this numbering into Adobe when printing, will ensure you only print the subsections you need for your estate, not the entire IHT400 Integrated form. The formatting of this field has been amended too, to fit more characters into view.
[Support No. 19845] A display problem when generating letters using the Type of Grant field has been resolved in Troika Administrator.
[Support No. 19861] Within Troika Administrator, and the letter writing option 'Document List' the ability to automatically generate the number of codicils within a letter has been added.
[Support No. 19764] An amendment has been made to ensure 403 gift transactions do not appear in an estate's administration period.