This article is applicable to the Troika product only.

The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.08.025.

New Features

[Support No. 19377] For Court of Protection clients, the new OPG103 form is now available within Forms. Basic information populates automatically within the form. This will be expanded further in future releases.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 20275] A change has been made to the WIP billing document 'WIP Per Bill' to ensure the report sorts by WIP date.

[Support No. 20333] An adjustment has been made to ensure that when in a client's investment ledger, the scroll bar is available to navigate through all transactions, at all times.

[Support No. 20408] The checkbox flag to mark each investment ledger as 'dividend paid gross' has been relabelled 'Income paid gross' The checkbox can also now be accessed from the ledger details screen in the bottom left hand corner. All ledgers can be set as 'All Income Paid Gross' from the Client Investment Ledger.

[Support No. 20441] A problem with data on multiple short sales on the same day has been addressed.

[Support No. 20457] Within Accounts Production, an amendment has been made to enable users to untick the Share Schedule for inclusion with the export/accounts, if it is not required. Please note, should any of the reports within 'Other Schedules' be investment

related, 'Share Schedule' will continue to remain checked for inclusion as its information is a requirement. Without this information in the export results, the reports themselves will not run correctly. In the event of any queries about this, please contact support.

[Support No. 20510] An issue which removed apostrophes from Time and Billing record entries has been addressed. Users will no longer have to edit these entries after initial posting to manually add these apostrophes back in, as they will no longer be automatically removed.

[Support No. 20538] A correction has been made to the Troika Desktop to allow the on screen desktop to displayed when right clicking the system tray option, and selecting Troika Desktop. Previously only the double click option was functioning correctly.

[Support No. 20570] On entering a Date of Death within Estates - Add, the user must now confirm the date to be correct before continuing.

[Support No. 20570] New validation ensures the Date of Death must be later than the 01/01/2000. This date can be amended using the new varitext field DODlimit if required.

[Support No. 20581] The order trustees, beneficiaries and life tenants appear in the accounts can now be set by the User in Administrator by entering an order number in the Serial Number box next to the relevant name in the edit screen.

The following probate specific issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.08.025.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 16867] It is now possible to post Equalisations and Fractions for an estate via the Load Data menu.

[Support No. 20357] As this question has now been restricted to allow a Yes/No answer only, it has been moved to the questions tab in subsection 405_12.

[Support No. 20472] A number of improvements to the ability to add personal portfolios have been added to the system. Once completed they can be deactivated to keep the investment database in order. For further details contact the support team.

[Support No. 20578] A correction has been made to ensure 404_6_2 transactions (jointly owned bank accounts) appear in the correct location on the IHT205 form.

[Support No. 20428] When entering a 405_7 transaction, if there is only one deceased's address noted within Estate Details - Edit, Deceased Details tab, the selection will be automatically populated with that one address, and no longer present a list of just one to select from.

[Support No. 20434] The system will no default to post all bank interest within The Load data screen as posting gross of interest. Users can still change this to post, net if required.

[Support No. 20474] Users now have the option to select Grant Ad Colligenda Bona in the Type of Grant box on Estate Details - Edit.

[Support No. 20391] A change has been made so that any new estates added with a date of death after 05/04/2016 will post income gross of any tax, as opposed to the net amount received (as set by the type of investment) which the system then previously grossed up. For details of how to post foreign income received net of tax please contact support.