This article is applicable to the Troika product only.

The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.08.026.

New Features

[Support No. 10665] The ability to display the exchange rates on the trial balance report have been added to assist with clearly displaying which figures are being used when posting with different reporting currencies.

[Support No. 19492] The Master Nominal and Fund Nominal Code menu options now include an additional tab to show which nominal account codes 'close-off'' to the selected account. After a period end has been run, its now possible to easily look up the nominal account code prior period balances that make up the brought forward balance.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 20735] An issue has been corrected to ensure ceased unit holders do not appear on the report, when the report is run for 'Current Holders' only.

[Support No. 20742] A new register of Foundations Meetings has been added to Troika Administrator for Foundation entity types. The register can be accessed via the Client Details - Edit menu option.

[Support No. 20505] A change has been made to display the details of beneficiaries on all sub fund accounts, not just the main fund. To activate this change please contact the support team.

[Support No. 20815] The ability to set a priority of High, Medium and Low has been added to the Due Dates tab in Client Details - Edit, in Troika Administrator.

[Support No. 17711] An enhancement has been made so that when editing a transaction within a nominal from the Trial Balance screen, the nominal remains selected when returning to the Trial Balance screen.

[Support No. 20848] A correction has been made to the AEOI CRS and FATCA tabs in Troika Administrator to ensure records are saved correctly when immediately editing the personal details of controlling persons.

[Support No. 20599] A number of cosmetic improvements have been made to the display of the asset schedule to make the display of the information in a more concise style, saving paper on long reports.

[Support No. 20815] When adding a new task to any Troika module, the task priority is now displayed on the first tab instead of the actions tab. The priority is now set as Medium by default and is a required field that cannot be left blank.

[Support No. 20850] A delete option has been added into a client's 'Due Date' record, for those Due Date Action Types which may have been set up in error, and should be deleted. Only an Action Type not currently in use within the data can be deleted.

[Support No. 20585] The CRS Excel export includes additional financial values and addition of fund nominal code linking to controlling persons. Full details of how Troika can help users with CRS and FATCA reporting obligations, see here for the full article.

The following probate specific issues were addressed in the release of Troika, version 2.08.026.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 20702] A correction has been made to ensure, where a large number of bank accounts are recorded on an estate and a schedule is used to record them, that the total follows through into the 406_1 on the IHT406 as expected.

[Support No. 20846] An issue which was preventing additional IHT forms generating where more than one schedule was required, has been corrected. Such additional forms should now run automatically on generating the IHT400 form.

[Support No. 20845] Where more than one schedule is required for the IHT400, these additional schedules are now available within the form listing to review, and look over again, after their initial generation. In the event you appear unable to view an additional schedule of a previously run form, please contact the team for further assistance.