Troika can export the results of the CGT computations and income records directly into the CCH Trust tax return. Some setup steps are required to enable the export and maintain the link via the master chart of accounts within Troika.
Enabling and Setting up the Tax Export to CCH
From the Troika Utilities module, System tab, select the System Settings menu option. Highlight the type ‘Sundry Entries’ and locate the setting ‘TaxFormFormat’. Set this to ‘3’ and close the screen.
From the Troika Wealth Management module, Nominal tab, select the Charts of Accounts menu option. Select a nominal account code from the list for each category listed in the table below. Select edit then select the Form Settings tab and select Form, ‘CGT Translator File’. From the ‘Box’ drop down list select the appropriate box name from the list.
If a range of nominal account codes in Troika has been used for the same tax return box, check the ‘range’ box and enter the nominal account range. If the list of box names is incomplete, please contact support for assistance. Continue the process of allocating all the income elements of the chart of accounts to the relevant box names.
Box - Type Name |
UKDividends:NetAmount |
UKUnitTrusInterestt:NetAmount |
OtherIncomeFromUKSavings:NetAmount |
UnitTrustDividends:NetAmount |
ScripDividends:NetAmount |
InterestAndOtherRow:NetAmount |
DividendsIncomeRow:NetAmountUKTax |
DividendsIncomeRow:NetAmountNoUKTax |
Exporting Tax Data to CCH
From the Troika Wealth Management module, Client tab, select a client and fund and the menu option Tax Form Preparation. Select the tax year to export the data for and click Export.
Additional tax years can be added to the list available to export from the Forms Administration menu option in Troika Utilities.
Make a note of the file name and file path where the export file is created.
From within CCH Personal Tax, select the client you wish to import the data for. Create a new tax return or open an existing tax return.
Select the Dividends box, either via ‘Income from UK Securities’ on the menu or by going into the return and right clicking in one of Boxes 9.15 to 9.17. From the menu down the very left-hand side, select ‘Import from TXG file’ under the ‘Related Tasks’ heading. Then browse the folder where the export files are contained and select the file. The data will then be imported into the return.
The figures for UK Dividends cannot be deleted: you therefore need to ensure it is correct in Troika before exporting the data.