
The SIX Financial Datafeed gives access to prices quoted on a wide range of exchanges. In order to manage your data, it is necessary to select those exchanges you wish to interrogate, set global preferences, and then to specify a specific (additional) exchange to some investments. As part of the setup of the service, default selections will be added. You can then check, add to or modify these selections to meet your own requirements.

Controlling the exchanges available

From the Utilities module, select the Tools tab, and the menu option Six Exchange Identifiers.

All exchanges that are likely to be needed (either globally, or for a particular investment) should be included in the list displayed here. This ensures that elsewhere within Troika, when you are presented with a list of exchanges to select, the list presented is shorter and does not contain the full list of all such available exchange (thousands).

To add a new exchange to the list, select the Exchange Code from the drop down list presented. Click the Add New Entry button to the right of the Exchange Description field to add it to the list.

Click Close to save changes.

Selecting the global exchange preferences

From the Utilities module, select the Tools tab, and the menu option SIX Pricing Preferences.

If using ISIN codes, you can select multiple defaults based on the initial (country) part of the ISIN. For example, ISIN's beginning GB. You can input a preference to first select one particular exchange for GB ISIN's, then another, and then finally one further exchange.

To do this, select the Stock Identifier using the drop-down list, and select ISIN. Select the Stock Exchange from the drop-down list you wish it to review first, enter the Default Key of GB (for our example of ISIN's starting GB), and a Preference Order of 1 (first).

Click Accept to add the Global Exchange Preference added.

Repeat as necessary for all other Stock Exchanges you wish to globally review for all investments with ISIN's with a GB prefix. Repeat as necessary for all other ISIN countries you will wish to collect prices on within your data.

If using SEDOL codes, you can still select multiple defaults.

Select the Stock Identifier using the drop-down list and select CODE. Select the Stock Exchange from the drop-down list you wish it to review first and a Preference Order of 1 (first).

Click Accept to add the Global Exchange Preference added.

Repeat as necessary for all other Stock Exchanges you wish to globally for all your SEDOL investments. Click Close once complete.

Once an initial price enquiry has been made, exchange information can be overridden at individual investment level.

Adding any individual exchange preferences

From the Wealth Management module, select the Investments tab, and the menu option Investment Details.

Select your investment and note the 'Exchange Selection Preferences' section available to the bottom right of the investment window.

To add a new preference, click the Add New Entry button to the right.

Select the Stock Exchange required to be checked from the drop-down list and enter its Preference Order. A Preference Order must be set, even if setting up only one.

Click Accept to save the changes.

Repeat as necessary for other exchange preferences you wish to check for this particular investment.

Repeat as necessary on all other investments for which the global exchange preferences setup does not pick up prices. The support team can assist in identifying these, if required.

Excluding from SIX feed

Where a price is not required for an investment, ensure the 'Exclude from SIX Feed' check box is checked on the investment record.

When initially set up, please note all investments with no ledgers (or zero value ledgers) at that time will have been marked as to be excluded. Pricing is of course based on the number of investments you are requesting prices for, therefore marking them as to be excluded reduces paying for unnecessary requests. In the event this needs changing, and you now require the price for an investment, simply uncheck the 'Exclude from SIX Feed' check box on the investment record.

Default Price File

The default price file is used when maintaining price files manually, or as a base file for other data feed services does NOT apply to the SIX server. The purpose of the default file was to allow users to add prices to certain unquoted stocks to be added in to the daily/monthly price files. The SIX service always uses the most recent price file as the basis for the new one.

Therefore any unquoted prices should be added to the latest file and will then be included in any new file generated. It is important to include a price date for any manual entries, in order to highlight the fact that they are not being downloaded.