WealthWorks+ now allows user ‘roles’ to be defined, and then applied to each user accessing the site. Rather than having to define which user can view, add to and amend records in WealthWorks+, these can be defined according to a specific type of user or role. Each user can then be given that role, and access to the data is restricted accordingly.
WealthWorks+ is installed with six pre-configured roles - Clerical Support, Accountant, Trust Officer, Director, External Owner, and Supervisor.
Tutorial Transcript
When setting up new users on the system you will need to assign each user with a role. The role will control the access and editing permissions a user has in WealthWorks+. You can add and amend roles in System Administration under Roles and Permissions.
(00:26) The system has 6 pre-defined roles already configured for you. The general permissions for these roles are: Supervisor (View all data and full permissions), Accountant (View almost all data, almost full permissions across all functionality, including System Administration), Trust Officer (View almost all data, but limited views on dashboards, full permissions on trust Entity Details, Contact Directory and Document Store, view only company Entity Registers, some System Administration permissions), Director (View almost all data, but limited Entity Management and Time, Fees & Billing dashboards, full permissions on Entity Details but view only Registers, limited access to system options), Clerical Support (View most data except beneficial investment details, beneficial owners and investments, only Entity Management dashboard with a limited view, Add and edit most Entity Details and Contact Directory, no investment data, no System Administration access), External (Very limited data views, Full permissions on Document Store).
(00:55) If you need to create a new role, click on the Add Item button. First give the role a name and define the default settings. Click Save and the role will appear in the list. The role will automatically be allocated permissions, but to change these, select Edit Permissions from the Actions button on the role. Permissions are groups by functionality. You can change the permission at the top level for the whole group, or you can expand the group and change permissions for individual items. Once you've set the required permissions for the new role, click Save. You also have the option to Set Role as Default for new users, or use the Edit option from the Actions button to change the default settings, or you can delete the role completely.
(01:53) If you want to test the new role you have just created to ensure it works as desired, you can use the Run As option. Select the role from the drop-down list and click Save. You can then explore WealthWorks+ as if you were assigned that role. To return to your normal role you need to log out and log back in, or if that role has System Administration permissions you can use the Run As option to return to your assigned role.
(02:21) To change a role assigned to a user, go to Users, find the relevant user from the list and from the Actions button, select Edit. Go to the System tab and select the new role from the drop-down list, then click Save.