New Features
Please see the new features article for further information about new features in this release.
- Adding New Contacts
- Updating Entity Administration and Contact Details
- Onboarding New Entities
- Document Store
- HMRC VAT API Submit and VAT Return Reporting
- HMRC VAT Bridging application
Fixes and Changes
[TN-238] - Sys Admin - Users table missing include or exclude disabled users switch
[TN-315] - Recently viewed. Entity Type Icons. Missing tooltip for entity type
[TN-396] - Staff selected pane not listing staff alphabetical order
[TN-680] - Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Profile Report - Direct Export to Excel added
[TN-681] - Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Profile Report - Active/Passive not displaying
[TN-794] - Sys Admin, unable to delete unused roles in Roles and Permissions
[TN-803] - Next Meetings Dashboard totals are wrong
[TN-808] - Document Store - Entity Name missing a hyperlink, popover and entity ref field
[TN-816] - Trust Meetings in Next Meetings dashboard not reading correct meeting records
[TN-841] - Task status displayed on portlet title for contacts where tasks can't be assigned
[TN-886] - Error accessing investment library and holdings not loading correctly for some roles
[TN-919] - The User report is no longer listed when I edit User details
[TN-956] - Sys Admin - Other Settings displaying Internal server error accessing dashboards
[TN-1003] - Social Security Number / NI Number not using use custom label
[TN-1046] - Field missing for 'Title' on Names and References Portlet for individuals
[TN-1058] - Correction to display long addresses correctly
[TN-1060] - Error message adding activity to an entity from the Page Actions menu
[TN-1061] - Entity Sub-Type drop down list not restricting to sub-types for the entity type only
[TN-1076] - Moved risk & compliance portlet to the top of the default page layout
[TN-1079] - Recently viewed icons and scrollbar display hidden
[TN-1088] - Unexpected Error accessing view entity list from widgets in Entity Management dashboard
[TN-1125] - Bill number formatting as numeric value with thousand separators instead of text
[TN-1179] - Unexpected Error - Nominal Account Details Print icon not working - processing
[TN-1181] - Add Currency - Bankers Register, unexpected error
[TN-1188] - System Administration. Error using Run As role when changing permission immediately before running as
[TN-1190] - Unexpected Error 500 Unauthorised Access when entity listing not granted
[TN-1192] - Permissions - Unexpected Error 500 Unauthorised Access when Contact Details not granted
[TN-1197] - Permissions allows add, edit and delete without view
[TN-1200] - 1167 - Excel Export from Entity List 500 Internal Server Error
[TN-1201] - Contact Card no longer working on Entity List. 500 Internal Server Error
[TN-1205] - My Task Status Portlet display in My Profile Overview 500 errors when task links clicked
[TN-1211] - Jurisdiction showing as Undefined for trusts from list hyperlinks dashboard stat widgets
[TN-1256] - Profile Badge showing incorrect name user name for legacy data
[TN-1279] - Former Names History Effective Date sort not working
[TN-1283] - 500 Exception Error unable to cast object of type - Compliance Risk Dashboard has been fixed
[TN-1328] - Administration history no longer require scrollbars
[TN-1334] - Addresses Portlet has incorrect name for address type contract note
[TN-1372] - Entity Listing - Cash Balances - copy to clipboard datatable button error message