
A price file. This is a list of prices held in the Troika database, against each investment for a given date and price type. An example of how it is referred to within Troika is “31_JAN_18_MIDMRKT”.

This can be updated by using an external file of price data, provided by a market pricing service like IDCO or SIX. Alternatively, prices can be entered manually for all investments or filtered by specific client/s.

Creating a new price file / price processing mode “full”

From the Wealth Management module, select the Investment tab and menu option Price File & Yields. Click Create New File.

NB Any new price file is always based on an existing file already in the database.

Price file – manual investment price entry

When entering prices manually it is possible to set a number of filters to narrow the display of investments selected for prices to be updated. Selections can be limited to an individual Client and Fund or globally by those used or with holdings, if no selection filters are set all investments loaded will be displayed.

Once the new price file has been updated, it can be selected for reports, financial statements and on screen displays to reflect the new market value appropriate to each individual client/fund holding.

Price feed - processing mode “full”

The Processing Mode for the file to be created will default to ‘Full’ - no prices or yields are brought forward from any existing price files. Click the Edit button next to the Use Feed field to browse to the data file you wish to process into Troika. Once done, click OK to import the prices. Any prices entered as defaults are brought into the new file, where none exist in the data file.

Creating new defaults in price files

From the Wealth Management module, select the Investment tab and menu option Price File & Yields. Click Defaults.

A blank price file screen will appear listing all the investments set-up in Troika. The price file name will be displayed in the bottom left corner, with the name ‘Defaults’ after it:

It is essential to only use the default prices where you know the price will remain constant for some time. For example, unquoted stocks with low price volatility, such as shares in a family business.

If you choose to add prices to the default file then it is essential that a date is added next to each price at the same time, as this will highlight where an ‘old’ price has been included in a newer file, and provide an audit trail.

Creating a new price file / price processing mode “daily”

From the Wealth Management module, select the Investment tab and menu option Price File & Yields. Click Create New File.

The Processing Mode for the file to be created will default to ‘Full’, but amend to ‘Daily’. Prices and yields are brought forward from a selected price file, chosen within the Base Price File drop down list. This is usually the last full price file, and is intended to allow for incremental changes in prices.

Some data files provide a single monthly file (full), and daily files (daily) with incremental movements or daily changes however the prices can be carried forward from any selected price file.

Click the Edit button next to the Use Feed field to browse to the data file you wish to process into Troika. Once done, click OK to import the prices.

The price file will be created with the newer information from the data file. Where there is no new information in the data file the previous price and date remain carried forward from the base file. The main purpose for this function is to deal with daily data files where only changes in prices are reported.

This article sse notes are confirmed to be applicable from Troika release 2.08.020.