This article is applicable to the Troika product only.

The following issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.08.029.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 21039] An issue apparent only when using MSAccess 2016 and changing between clients (after editing a task record), has been corrected.

[Support No. 21062] New field added for an additional GIIN number for CRS purposes that can be maintained separately to the FATCA GIIN number. This is for the Jurisdictions that require separate registration.

[Support No. 21033] An issue when editing both the nominal and amount, within the second part of a split transaction, within Investment Ledgers, has been corrected.

[Support No. 20951] An additional field has been added to the AEOI - CRS tab within Troika Administrator to allow a Registration Identification Number to be recorded for the reporting entity. Within the UK this is the CRS HMRC Identification Number, however other jurisdictions may use alternative terminology.

[Support No. 20757] Due to the requirement by January 2018 for all legal entities to have a Legal Entity Identifier, a field has been created within an entity's record on the 'General' tab to accommodate this number. In addition, all profile reports have been amended to include this.

[Support No. 20983] Some amendments have been made to the dividend batch processing to speed up the extract process.

[Support No. 21132] A new checkbox field has been added to the Trust Details in Troika Administrator to record if the trust falls into the UK Relevant Property Regime. The checkbox appears in the Administration tab when the trust is flagged with a UK jurisdiction. For other jurisdictions, the checkbox is hidden.

[Support No. 19502] A new feature has been added to allow the list of client and fund periods has been added to the Client Details - Edit, periods tab and the Client Periods menu option. The periods can be sorted in date ascending or date descending order. The chosen sort order will remain selected, but maybe reset if your program modules are updated.

[Support No. 21184] An amendment has been made to ensure, where paragraph markers are used in a client's Synopsis Memo entry, the markers transfer into the Synopsis export in the Accounts Production process as expected.

[Support No. 21236] An amendment has been made to the module registration process, which may affect clients using non-alphanumeric characters within their 'UserName' within the data. In the event of any issue referring to module registration following this update, please contact the Support team in the first instance.

[Support No. 21248] Within the Accounts Export, TPP (Trust Period) and TAP (Date Trust Established) now return in a dd Month YYYY format, as opposed to DD/MM/YYYY.

[Support No. 21260] The Consolidated Balances report in Wealth Management has been updated to include the client reference (instead of the client ID) and the fund name.

[Support No. 21232] A correction has been made to ensure names correctly pull through in the export when using Accounts Production.

[Support No. 21338] An issue with the status filter available within the Missing Compliance Report has been corrected.

[Support No. 21323] Two further options are now available within AEOI - CRS tabs within client records - "Financial Institution - Other Investment Entity" for Company, Trust and Foundation entities and "Financial Institution - Depository/Custodial or Specified Insurance" for Company entities.

The following probate specific issues were addressed in this release of Troika, version 2.08.029.

Fixes and Changes

[Support No. 20796] The new IHT400 form released by HMRC (version 06/17) has been incorporated into Troika. Load Data should continue to be completed as normal for data entry, but when producing the IHT400 form within 'IHT Forms', or Estate Details - Edit 'Forms' tab, the form produced will be the new one.

[Support No. 21053] The new IHT400 forms, reflecting the changes for the residential nil rate band (including new forms IHT435 and IHT436) are now available. A new guidance document, on how to complete the 400, is now available here. In the event of any queries, please contact support.