Adding the dividend information to the investment

In Wealth Management, select the Investment tab and then Investment Detail.  Select the relevant investment that you want to add the dividend information to and then select the Income tab at the bottom of the screen.  In the example shown below we will add dividend information to GlaxoSmithKline plc Ordinary 25p shares.  The fields that need completing are:

  • XD Date - This is the date the dividend has gone ex-div
  • Pay Date - This is the date the dividend will actually be paid
  • Rate - This is the amount of the dividend in pence
  • Gross - If the dividend is paid net then select “N”, if the dividend is paid gross (e.g. because it is Treasury Stock interest) then select “G”
  • Tax Rate - the tax rate should be either 10 or 20 depending on the type of income
  • Payment - This a reference number this will automatically populate with a figure once you press the Tab key

Creating a dividend batch for an individual client

Once you have entered all the dividend information for all your investments, you can then create the dividend batches to post the dividends received.

Within Wealth Management, Investment tab, select Dividend Batches.

Click New and enter details for the new batch:

The Batch name is purely for identification purposes, but once a name has been used it cannot be used again.

The Date From and Date To dates are the payment dates you want the batch to be created for.

Click on Select All, to process dividends for all the investments that client holds.  Once the batch is set up, click OK to save.  You will then be taken back to the Global Dividend Batches screen and the batch you have created will be there.

Editing a dividend batch

You can view the individual batch by selecting the relevant client and then the Edit button.

The dividends in the batch can be viewed using the arrows at the bottom to go through each holding.  The individual transactions within the batch can also be amended by typing over the figures displayed.  The nominal codes can also be amended here by selecting the relevant drop down list.

Click Close once you are happy with the batch.

Posting the dividend batch

To post the batch select Post.  The next screen will then appear:

Once you select Yes the system will process the batch and the follow screens will appear:

The dividends will now be posted.

This article is confirmed to be applicable from Troika release 2.08.020.