
This guide is to assist users where the Investment Ledger contains the complete transaction history, but the CGT Ledger has not been kept up-to-date, but the user now wishes to update the CGT history.

Current Position

In the example shown below, the Investment Ledger contains an Adjustment Out.  However, at the time of posting the adjustment out the user selected “no” when asked if the CGT History should be completed.

The CGT History therefore looks like this:

Bringing the CGT History to Match the Investment Ledger

In the Global tab, select Capital Gains Allowances.

Ensure the box entitled “Display post 07/08 CGT history only” is un-ticked.

NB  this is a global setting and therefore the CGT calculations will not work correctly for all users until this setting has been switched back on.

Go back to the Investment Ledger on the Client tab and select the transaction you wish to create a CGT record for and then select Add CGT.

Select Yes on the next screen.  The following screen will appear:

The screen will need editing to reflect the transaction as follows:

Then select OK.

Select Yes to confirm you wish to save these changes.

Select Yes to then confirm you wish to lock the history records for this item.

The transaction should then appear in the CGT History:

This article is confirmed to be applicable from Troika release 2.08.023.