There are four main options that need to be accessed and setup when adding a new user to Troika. These will determine what modules within the Troika Desktop a user can access, the menu options they will see and also the clients they can view in both Troika and WealthWorks+. Remember that these instructions need to be followed in order and presume that the user has never been set up on the system before. These instructions also assume that you have already configured the menu groups and client groups required before adding the new user.
In the event you have WealthWorks+ installed and are looking to add new users from within WealthWorks+, please follow these alternative instructions:
Adding New Users Within WealthWorks+
Adding an Account
From the Utilities module, select the Security tab and the menu option Users – Add. A user in Troika is an entity (contact record) for an individual that is given the right to access Troika. The ‘New User’ screen will be opened as shown below:
Decide the ‘Initials/ID’ which will be used to identify the user when they log in to the system. The ID/Initials should be three characters (maximum) and unique to the system. You will not be able to duplicate a user ID if it already exists as an existing user. It is a good idea to have three letters as an identifier, so Peter Challis, rather than PC could be given PGC, or PXC or whatever letter combination you wish to use. Having decided on the Initials/ID to use, enter the initials in the ‘Initials/ID’ field.
Enter the Windows User name in Down-level format. For example, DOMAIN\Username. Using CTRL W as a shortcut will insert the details of the account in use whilst creating this user, which may be helpful. Entering the Windows User name here will enable Single Sign-on for the user.
As the new user will not be an existing staff member, it should not appear in the ‘Staff Name’ drop-down list. Click the Add New Entry button, this will open the screen below:
This screen allows you to see all of the entities on the database using the drop-down list. If the entity is shown here, they can be selected if you want to make them staff. It is more likely that you will want to create a new entity. Click the Add New Entry button to be able to do this. This will open into the New Entity Wizard from which you should select an individual entity record to be created. Click on Next and enter the required information:
Click Next, then Finish to enter the new entity. Select the entity from the drop-down list. Click OK to continue.
Enter the email address for the new user within the 'Email Address' field.
From the ‘Menu Group’ drop-down list select the menu group you want the user to be in. If the user is to have full access to all functionality, type ‘All’ into the box.
From the ‘WM Security Group’ drop-down list select the appropriate Wealth Management client group for the user. If they are to have full access to all clients, type ‘All’ into the box.
Enter a starting password for this user. This can be anything you like. The user will be required to change this password the first time they access Troika, and to keep it confidential.
A system level password policy will determine the number of days between forcing a user to change their password. To override this policy, enter the number of days in the ‘Change Regularity’ field after which you want to force users to change passwords.
After a series of failed attempts to access Troika due to entering an incorrect password, the user can be shut out and Supervisor access to allow access again is required. To activate this, check the ‘Permanently disable account when shut out?’ box.
If the user should have additional access to Read Only periods within Wealth Management, check the ‘Read only period access?’ check box.
If the user should be restricted to only having read only access to the Troika system (and should not be allowed to make any amendments to Troika data), check the ‘Read only restriction?’ check box.
Clicking OK will then create the new user. If you wish to abandon the changes, click Cancel.
Once you click OK, you have now created a new user land given them a log in and access to Wealth Management menus and clients.
User Contacts, Staff Levels & Billing Entities
From the Utilities module, select the Security tab and the menu option User Contacts. This controls levels of authorisation for diary functions and Time and Billing charge rates.
Select the new user account from the list and using the ‘Level’ drop-down list, select an appropriate Level for this user. This is a security setting which is used elsewhere in Troika - only tasks assigned to users with the same or a lower level setting as the logged in user can be viewed and amended, so this should be set appropriately for this function to work correctly.
Select the user to whom the new user reports to using the ‘Reports To’ drop-down list. That person will have access to the tasks for all the people who report to them correctly.
If using Troika Time & Billing, use the ‘Bill Entity’ drop-down list to select the appropriate default Billing Entity the new user should use.
Click Close to save changes.
Administration Security Groups
From the Utilities module, select the Security tab and the menu option User Groups - Edit. This is the menu option that allows an Administration Security Group selection.
Highlight the new users Initials/Account from the list on the left-hand side, and then click the Edit button to the right of the Administration Security Group(s) field.
Make the correct selection(s) from the bottom list and click the Up Arrow to include the selected group(s) as an ‘Administration Security Group Allocated’. The user will only see the clients allocated to them when they log into Troika Administrator.
Click Close to save changes.
WealthWorks+ User Account Settings
From the Utilities module, select the Security tab and the menu option User Groups – Edit. This is the menu option that includes extra WealthWorks+ settings to be enabled for each user account.
Highlight the new users Initials/Account from the list on the left-hand side, and then review the following check boxes on the right:
- WW+ Only – tick If this user account is intended to access WealthWorks+ only and no other Troika Desktop modules
- No WW+ Access – tick if this user account is intended for Troika user only, and should have no access to WealthWorks+
- User has WW+ Administrator Rights – tick if this user account should be able to review/amend the set-up functions for WealthWorks+
From the Utilities module, select the Security tab and the menu option Client Level Filters. This is the menu option that allows users to be given permission to view client details and client groups using the WealthWorks+ application. For each user, a specific client group or groups can be allocated for each level. The Level 1 to 4 control groups are allocated to each client using the client details menu option in Troika Wealth Management and Administrator.
If the user is to be given access on WealthWorks+ to all clients then select the user ID from the ‘User’ drop-down list and then from the drop-down box on the right-hand side, select ' View ALL Clients' for the first level (Office in the example below). Add any other specific filters for the remaining 3 control levels if required, otherwise leave these toggle buttons with no further settings.
Your control group names/labels may have different names from the example shown, depending on settings in your Troika database.
There is also a ‘Copy From’ option to copy an existing users set up to your new users account, if required.
Click Close to save changes.
Client access to WealthWorks+ is determined by a combination of WealthWorks+ filters AND any Administration client groups assigned to a user.
Finally, from within WealthWorks+, click on the Options menu to access the System Administration options.
Navigate to the Users section to assign the new user a WealthWorks+ 'Role'. The roles define what aspects of client details can be accessed via WealthWorks+, for example accounting, investment records and client registers.
Use the Actions button to Edit User. Amend the Role using the drop-down list of options available. Click Save to save the changes.
This article is confirmed to be applicable from Troika release 2.09.001.
This article was last reviewed 03/2023.