This article outlines the steps to take if a difference in the Cash Control report appears, allowing the user to resolve the issue. The Cash Control report can be accessed from the Wealth Management module by selecting the Reports menu option on the Global tab.
First Checks
- Ensure 'Calculate Total of Client Balances' has been run. Within the Case Control report screen, if the Account or Date has been changed, the user must click the ‘Calculate Total of Client Balances’ button to ensure the correct data is being reported on.
- Identify if the difference is ‘rounding code’ or not. Small differences in the cash control balance may be down to rounding differences in the calculation and sum total of the balances. To distinguish between rounding difference and true exceptions, both rounded and unrounded client balances are displayed on the report, and where a rounding difference in the sum total exists this is shown separately. If a rounding difference exists, this will be a mathematical difference between the sum total of the individual client balances and cash control balance on the global client. If the difference is a ‘true’ exception, the next step is identifying the transaction or transactions causing the difference.
Identifying the Transaction
There are a number of ways to help to identify the transaction.
- Determine when the difference occurred. To identify the transaction, firstly determine when the difference occurred. Within the Cash Control report screen, different dates can be entered. Running the report at different dates will help to identify when the account was last in balance.
- Identify the relevant client. Select the Transactions – View menu options on the Global tab within the Wealth Management module. Client Amount on the left-hand side to sort the transactions by Amount. Look for the amount of the difference, bearing in mind that it may be made up of multiple transactions.
Final Checks
- Check the Audit Trail to see if transactions were edited on the date the difference occurred. The Audit trail report can be found in the Reports menu option on the Global tab in the Wealth Management module. It can be run for a specific date and sorted in a variety of ways. This will help to identify if the transactions have been edited or not.
- Review transactions on the date the difference occurred. From Transactions – View, filter to the required date. Review each transaction with a split to make sure the splits agree with the total.
- Run the period end. On the Client tab in the Wealth Management module, select the client from the client drop down menu, and select Period End. Select the period in which the transaction occurs and click Run Close Off. Check the Cash Control report to see if the difference has been resolved.
- Run the Transaction Control report for the Global trial balance. From the Global client trial balance screen, tick the TB box. Some of the options on the left will change to show Transaction Control. Select the range or batch if known. By default it will only display/print batches where there is a difference. If there is more than one global bank then you can restrict the report by selecting from the Account drop down box.