Within the Administrator module, and the Client tab, access the Client Details - Edit menu option. Click the Forms button to open the Forms Production window.
Where the Jurisdiction of your client is already set to England and Wales, the '41G - Trust Details' form will immediately be available to you in the forms listing presented. In the event your client has any other jurisdiction noted, use the Jurisdiction drop down list to select England and Wales to continue.
Populated Information
The form currently populates the following information in the 41G;
Part A
- Full title of the trust
- Full name and address of each trustee
- Reference
- Is the trust governed by the laws of a country outside the UK?
- Is the trust established under Scottish law?
Only information for the first three trustee's currently populate on the form. You should use a separate sheet if you have more than three.
The question fields populate based on the country noted within Client Details - Edit for the trust's 'Proper Law'.
Part B
- Full name and last address of the deceased
- Date of death
- Date trust commenced
- Reference in that office or National Insurance number
The information within Part B will only populate if the Settlor, recorded within the Settlors register on the client, has a Date of Death noted within the entity record.
The 'Reference in that office or National Insurance number' field will populate with any 'Tax Reference' noted within the Settlor's entity record. In the event there is no 'Tax Reference' noted, the entity's National Insurance Number will be used.
Part D
- Date trust established
- Name and address of settlor
- Reference in that office or National Insurance number
The information within Part D will only populate if the Settlor, recorded within the Settlors register on the client, has no Date of Death noted within the entity record.
The 'Reference in that office or National Insurance number' field will populate with any 'Tax Reference' noted within the Settlor's entity record. In the event there is no 'Tax Reference' noted, the entity's National Insurance Number will be used.
Viewing Forms Previously Issued
Within the Forms Production window, a History tab is available which displays form history.
With the '41G - Trust Details' form selected, click onto the History tab. All previous 41G forms produced will be listed here.
To view the form, click the Reader button.
To delete any form not required to be stored in this client history (produced in error, for example), click the Delete button to remove from the list.
This article is confirmed to be applicable from Troika release 2.08.021.