A client can have more than one holding in the same stock.  They may wish to show or report on these separately.  To accommodate this, we use portfolio groups.  This note will guide you on how they can be setup and used in on screen display and reporting.

Adding a New Portfolio Group

Within the Wealth Management module, select the Client tab, and the option Investment Ledgers.

Select any investment record, and click View Detail.  Click the Add New Entry button next to the Group field.

Populate the Portfolio Group form with the required information for the new group including:

  • Portfolio Code – this code is important as it is the named filter field.  You have six characters available for the code.
  • Portfolio Name
  • Available – use the radio selection buttons to make a selection to show whether you wish the new group to be available only to this fund, or for all clients.

Once completed, click OK to save the new group.  Repeat this for any further new groups you wish to add.

The groups will then be available for selection/use in the Group field on your holding.

Once you have assigned holdings to portfolio groups, the ledger will show all of the client’s holdings, including those assigned to portfolios:

Editing an Existing Portfolio Group

You edit existing groups in the same place, within the Wealth Management module, the Client tab, and the option Investment Ledgers.

Select the investment record within the group you wish to edit, and click View Detail.  Click the Edit button next to the Group field.

Edit the required information, and click OK to save changes.

In the event you no longer require the portfolio group at all, a Delete button is also available here.

Filtering Displays by Portfolio Group

In many areas of Troika you can amend the display, by the portfolio grouping.

For example, in Wealth Management, Client tab the menu option Investment Ledgers, there is a Select Portfolio Group field.  When used, the entire Client Investment Ledger will be filtered to only show those holdings within that selected portfolio group.

In addition, in Wealth Management, Investment tab the menu option Investment Details, select the Holdings tab to see a listing of all clients with holdings in that investment.

Use the scroll bar at the bottom to reach the final Portfolio column:

In the event you wish to filter the listing here by portfolio, you may right click in on the Portfolio fields to see the Microsoft Access filter options available:

You can choose for this to equal only ‘LOAN’ for example, to see only those holdings of that investment within that ‘LOAN’ group.  Or alternatively you can select to not equal ‘LOAN’, to see all other holdings, with the exception of those within that ‘LOAN’ group.

Filtering Reports by Portfolio Group

Within Wealth Management, Client tab, the menu option Reports, a Portfolio drop down list is available for selection on many reports.  This will report on only the one chosen portfolio.

In addition, some reports also have the option to soft by portfolio, where the Portfolio radio button is selected in the Sort By: section.

This article is confirmed to be applicable from Troika release 2.08.029.