Occasionally Troika program files can be damaged. When this occurs, you can no longer access your Troika programs, and it is possible you may see a warning like this, on entering Troika:

The expression you entered has a function name that Troika Wealth Management can't find.

This damage can be caused by a variety of things, including your system crashing when Troika was still in use, or forced closing of the program, without waiting for the full compact process to be complete.

Damaged program files (sometimes referred to as corrupt) are often simply resolved by using our Update option from the Troika Desktop. Select the module requiring refreshing from the left hand side (un-ticking all other options), and click the ‘Update’ button.

In versions of Troika prior to release 2.08.024, the button is labelled 'Copy Down', but functions in exactly the same way.

If you still can’t access your programs after this, please contact support for further assistance.

This article was last reviewed 03/2023.